
Power usage modelling and investigation using real word data.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Curtin University, 2020 Semester 1

COMP 1005

├── Inves1
│   ├── Figure_1.png 
│   ├── Figure_2.png
│   ├── usagecomparison.py  : overlays power usage and weather in a plot using matplotlib
│   └── usage.py            : reads may_max.csv and powerusage.csv, and visually explores data using matplotlib
│   ├── may_max.csv         : weather model file
│   ├── powerusage.csv      : power usage file 
│   ├── usage_analysis.txt  : saving results of usagecomparison.py in a text file
├── Inves2
│   ├── Inves2.ipynb        : jupyter notebook visually exploring daily usage over time
│   ├── ben.csv             : sample files
│   ├── jia.csv             : sample files
│   ├── katrina.csv         : sample files
│   ├── myhouse.csv         : sample files
│   ├── powermodel.csv      : sample files
│   └── valerie.csv         : sample files
├── Inves3
│   ├── house.py            : house model class
│   ├── suburb.py           : suburb model class
│   ├── housesimulation.py  : run a simulation of a suburb from command line arguments
│   ├── sweepHouses.sh      : parameter sweep bash script
│   ├── family.csv          : appliance file for family house object
│   ├── flat.csv            : appliance file for flat house object
│   ├── mansion.csv         : appliance file for mansion house object
│   ├── studio.csv          : appliance file for studio house object
│   └── testscript.txt      : examples how to run the parameter sweep