
A URL shortener that's easily deployed and implemented into your existing web app solutions.


To implement ezl.ink on your own server via Heroku, follow these setup instructions:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Log into Heroku
$ heroku login
  1. Go to Heroku and create a new app (ex: named ezl-ink)
  2. Add the Heroku repo as a remote to the repo
$ heroku git:remote -a ezl-ink
$ cd ezl-ink
  1. Deploy your changes
$ git add .
$ git commit -am "message"
$ git push heroku master

Add mLab MongoDB to the Heroku repo's resources. It will be okay to just use the "Sandbox - Free" provision for this project.

Update DNS Records from your host (ex: Namecheap)

+ Type: CNAME Record    Host: @     Value: ${Heroku_DNS_Target}    TTL: 1 min
+ Type: URL Redirect Record     Host: www   Value: https://ezl.ink    Unmasked

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