
Toronto Perl Mongers Website

Primary LanguagePerl

This is the repository for Toronto Perl Mongers

To get started:

    cpanm Carton
    carton install
    carton exec -Ilib -- plackup

To create a static dump of this dancer application, install
https://metacpan.org/module/App::Wallflower and then run this:

mkdir -p /tmp/output && carton exec -Ilib -- wallflower -a bin/app.pl -d /tmp/output -F urls.txt

After creating static content in '/tmp/output/', you will need to install
and use App::HTTPThis if you want to view the site locally (for testing
purposes).  E.g:

$ cpanm App::HTTPThis
$ http_this /tmp/output/

To deploy the website to the web server:

    carton exec -Ilib -- bin/deploy