Keystoke Profiles

Build Process

The app was initialized with create-react-app so the build process is straightforward:

  • git clone
  • cd ./keystoke-profiles && npm i
  • npm start will start your dev server

Thought Process

This began as a user profiles implementation with React, Express and MongoDB however once Auth0 was incorporated (I <3 bonus points) the project took a slight veer. During the Auth0 implementation I discovered the user object received on authentication already had entries for name and picture (user image URL). This is due to Auth0 handling authentication through Google. I knew this profile object wasn't inherently mutable though it piqued my interest. After a good amount of research I discovered that this profile object can optionally contain a user-metadata object that IS mutable. This is perhaps not the most scalable approach as user-metadata may only contain 10 entries however I love trying something new so I ran with it, it certainly seems to be the right tool for the job. This project took a much more experimental turn than expected though I hope you can learn a little bit about me through this unorthodox implementation.