Odoo with Jenkins and Docker
- open cmd under Windows
- exectue 'install_dev_env.cmd'
- approx 20 sek after the scrip has finished execute 'docker container logs jenkins-blueocean'
- copy the token
- open 'localhost:1000' and insert the token
- install standard plugins
- add admin account via dialog
- jenkins url is 'http://localhost:1000/'
- hit "Start using Jenkins"
- click "Open Blue Ocean" at the left bar
- "Create a new pipeline"
- "Github"
- "Create an access token here."
- Log in to github, give the token a name, hit enter, copy the token
- insert the token in jenkins and hit "Connect"
- choose "conology"
- choose "docker-odoo"
- click "create pipeline"
- odoo url is 'http://localhost:8069/'
https://hub.docker.com/_/odoo environment setup