
Primary LanguageVim Script

A collection of various dotfiles and configs used across systems.

Has the bare essentials needed after a fresh Arch Linux install
and bash/vim configs that can be used across any Distro

To copy dotfiles:
stow <directory>

E.g.: stow i3

If stow is not installed, it can be copied from ./scripts/bin/stow to any
location that's inside of $PATH

Vim plugins are version controlled using submodules
To add a new plugin run: 
git submodule add <plugin repo> ./vim/.vim/pack/<key>/[start | opt]/<plugin name>
After running git submodule add, commit changes to .gitmodules

On a fresh clone of the dotfiles, to install Vim plugins run:

For vim, additional configuration is done for autocomplete, etc.
Uses YouCompleteMe for LSP and auto-completion support.

To install YCM, need to fetch plugins then cd to YCM location in .vim

Install deps based on README of ycm-core/YouCompleteMe then fetch YCM submodules and install:
git submodule update --init --recursive
python3 install.py --clangd-completer --cs-completer --go-completer --ts-completer