
Research into GraphQL as a solution for work

Primary LanguageJavaScript

"# GraphQL After downloading, run npm install

Run project by navigationg to the root directory and run 'node index.js'

Go to http://localhost:3000/graphql to launch graphiql

structure your query as { videos{ title } } for a result of the titles of the stored videos

this is how you use the node relay { node (id: "VmlkZW86YQ==") { ... on Video { title } } }

after converting graphql list type to a relay connection type, this is the sort of query you need to run

{ videos(first: 1) { edges{ node{ title } } } }

at the end of the course, you can use the relay input object mutations and can test this by using the query variables field in graphiql, here is a sample qquery/mutation

mutation AddVideoQuery($input: AddVideoInput!){ createVideo(input: $input){ video{ title } } }

then include your query variable { "input":{ "title": "Video Title", "duration":300, "released":false, "clientMutationId": "abcd" } } run these two snippets

then run this afterwards to test

query AllVideosQuery{ videos{ edges{ node{ title } } } }
