Go Fiber Demo


This Go app is a basic crud API written in a similar style to Express using Fiber. By no means am I an expert in Go, so take the actual coding style with a pinch of salt.

Having said that, it is intended to demonstrate testing and Dockerized testing approaches:

  • Table-driven unit / integration tests in multiple packages (main, services, database) that can be executed via go test ./... or other commands described later in the README. There is ~80% code coverage.
  • A multi-stage Dockerfile that uses profiles in the docker-compose.yml file. This offers more flexibility in terms of env setup in future and for local tooling requirements.
  • E2E tests via dockerized Newman (CLI-based Postman test runner).


Dev environment and workflow

  • NOTE: A recent Docker installation is a pre-requisite.

    I'm using Docker version 20.10.12.

  1. Setting up development env

First, we generate a config file for Air, which is similar to Nodemon, enabling hot-reloading. The resultant file, .air.toml is generated in the locla working directory, and is .gitignored.

docker compose run --rm my-go-api air init

Now, if we run the following command to start the containers, we can make changes to our Go API code and see the changes reflected immediately in the terminal:

docker compose up


Application / API testing

The below script will start containers for the services outlined in docker-compose.yml:

  • Golang API
  • MySQL DB
  • Newman (Postman test runner)

To execute it, make sure you have Docker installed and run:


This will output the results of the Postman test and bring down the containers.

Note: No actual collection tests are in place yet.

Unit / integration testing

The core tests are:

  • Integration tests that operate across all layers of the app, using an in-memory SQLite database.
  • Focused on testing at the feature level - blackbox and less brittle than the unit tests.
  • Table-driven.

This allows new test cases to be easily added without modifying the existing test methods.

It also utilizes the Go testing feature of subtests, which allows for greater flexibility when using table-driven tests, such as running a specific set of subtests.

Handy test commands

It may be helpful to add these commands as functions in ~/.bash_profile.

To test all packages

go test ./...

To view overall coverage percentage

go test -v -coverpkg=./... -coverprofile=profile.cov ./...
go tool cover -func profile.cov

Generating code coverage HTML

 go test -covermode=set -coverpkg=./... -coverprofile coverage.out -v ./...
 go tool cover -html coverage.out -o coverage.html

Running a test suite

go test -run=TestGetUser

Running a specific set of subtests

# The contents in quotes are matched against test case description e.g.
# in this case, the "Get all users when table is empty" subtest
go test -run=TestGetAllUsers/"table is empty"


  • Look into validation lib recommended by Fiber team in their docs
  • Swagger integration
