
Node SDK for MediaMath Platform APIs

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Node implementation of a T1 API Library. Uses Bluebird for fast, simple callback handling via promises.


From npm

npm install terminalone

From source

Checkout, then npm install .


For cookie authentication:

var t1 = require('terminalone');
var config = {
  'user': t1_username,
  'password': t1_user_password,
  'api_key': application_mashery_key
var connection = new t1.T1Connection(config);

For oauth2 authentication, your web application will need to redirect to the T1 user authentication page during the process. The approach is outlined below:

var t1 = require('terminalone');
//the callback URL should match the one you specified in the developer portal for your application
var config = {
  'api_key': application_mashery_key, 
  'client_secret': application_mashery_secret,
  'redirect_uri': application_callback_url

var connection = new t1.T1Connection(config);

// tokenUpdatedCallback is an optional callback to a function, taking
// a single argument which describes an access token. 
// This can be used update your token databse on automatic token refresh. 
var authorizationUrl = connection.fetchAuthUrl(tokenUpdatedCallback);

// Redirect example using Express (see http://expressjs.com/api.html#res.redirect)

var code = // Get the access token object (the authorization code is given from the previous step).
		    .then(console.log('oauth complete'));

Single Entities

Retrieve, edit and save a single entity

var agencyPromise = new t1.Entity('agency')
  .get(1234, connection)
  .then(function(agency) {this.agency = agency});
agency.name = 'new name';
Entity Lists

Returns a generator to entities

var userParams = {
t1.EntityList.get('campaigns', connection,  userParams).then(function(list) {this.pg1 = list});
t1.EntityList.getNextPage(pg1, connection).then(function(list) {this.pg2 = list});

for (var entity of pg1.entities) {console.log(entity)}
Related entities

It's possible to include related entities by including in a 'with' property in userParams.

var userParams = {
t1.EntityList.get('campaigns', connection,  userParams).then(function(list) {this.pg1 = list});
t1.EntityList.getNextPage(pg1, connection).then(function(list) {this.pg2 = list});

for (var entity of pg1.entities) {console.log(entity)}


Strategy Target Segments

To get a strategy's targeting segments:

var targetingSegmentsPromise = new t1.StrategyTargetSegments()
  .get(strategyId, connection)
  .then(function(targetingSegments) {this.targetingSegments = targetingSegments});

To edit strategy targeting segments:

targetingSegments.include = [[1, 'OR']];
targetingSegments.exclude = [[119, 'OR']];
targetingSegments.include_op = 'OR';
targetingSegments.exclude_op = 'OR';
Strategy Target Dimensions/Values

To get a strategy's targeting values:

var targetValuesPromise = new t1.StrategyTargetValues()
  .get(strategyId, connection)
  .then(function(targetValues) {this.targetValues = targetValues});

To edit strategy targeting segments:

targetValues.include = [[1, 'OR']];
targetValues.addTargetValues('REGN', 'INCLUDE', 'OR', [23, 251]);
Strategy Audience Segments

To get a strategy's audience segments:

var audienceSegmentsPromise = new t1.StrategyAudienceegments()
  .get(strategyId, connection)
  .then(function(audienceSegments) {this.targetingSegments = targetingSegments});

To edit strategy audience segments:

audienceSegments.include = [1405158];
audienceSegments.exclude = [1405158];
targetingSegments.include_op = 'OR';
targetingSegments.exclude_op = 'OR';

Basic Reporting

To get a list of all reports provided by the MediaMath Reports API:

var metaReport = new t1.Report('meta');
    function(report) {
    function(error) {

To get a report with parameters:

var performanceReport = new t1.Report('performance');
performanceReport.get(conn, {
    time_window: 'yesterday',
    time_rollup: 'by_day',
    dimensions: 'advertiser_id',
    filter: 'organization_id=???'
    function(report) {
    function(error) {

To get a report's metadata, which specifies fields and parameters:

    function(report) {
    function(error) {


npm test will run local tests.

To run integration tests, copy .env.template to .env and fill in the required values.

npm run integration will run integration tests with Mocha.