
CNF formula generator to hit the quadratic corner case of MiniSat's sort algorithm

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

cnfgen-rev-quick-sort, Norbert Manthey, 2021

Many SAT solvers that are based on MiniSat implement two sort algorithms, a recursive implementation of quicksort and insertion sort. As quicksort has a theoretical worst case, recursively calling a function can lead to a segmantation fault. Furthermore, sorting the input for this worst case can lead to a high overall run time, which the satisfiability of the input formula is actually trivial.

By repeating a generated clause of this size a few times, the parsing time can be increased linearly, as parsing each clause involves sorting again.

The tool in this package allows input formulas to hit this worst case scenario.




cnfgen-rev-quick-sort clause-size nr-clauses

clauses-size ... each clause is of this size  
nr-clauses ..... use N times of this clause  


This generates a formula that requires around 20s parsing

./cnfgen-rev-quick-sort "$C" "$N" > "cnfgen-rev-quick-sort-C${C}-N${N}.cnf"