A walk through the frameworks of Python in Finance. The repository is currently in the development phase. The finalized version will include a full-fledged integration and utilization of Quantopian, GS-Quant, WRDS API and their relevant datasets and analytics.
Jupyter NotebookApache-2.0
- 5oclockshadow
- aaronrongan
- achaknalwarRambus Inc.
- AminoAnalogy
- brentianpalmer
- bturner123
- conquerv0Toronto
- devanshkhandekarIndia
- drippingpurple
- ememechinonye
- HanYingJie6666
- j8xixo12SiFive
- jimcoggeshallSan Diego, CA
- joaotcastro
- lisiyuan656Sensetime
- maxclchen
- mcduck007
- mugglezxx
- nathangcode
- Niranajn006
- nripoliNA
- samsonq@mit
- sweat-tiger
- theleveragedguess
- WillowyBoat2388Beyond Data Networks