
Python program that solves sudoku puzzles.

Primary LanguagePython


Python program that solves sudoku puzzles. This program is a demonstration of the backtracking algorithm:


The program takes an optional single argument which is a puzzle file. The file is simply 9 lines of 9 characters, representing a Sudoku puzzle. Each character is either a number from 1 through 9, or a space. If no file is specified the program starts with an empty grid.

An example of a puzzle file is:

 3   6 12
4  1 9  3
1 5  38  
2    4   
 4     7 
   9    6
  78  1 5
8  3 1  7
62 7   3 

When this file is passed to the sudoku program it shows the following:

│   3   │     6 │   1 2 │
│ 4     │ 1   9 │     3 │
│ 1   5 │     3 │ 8     │
│ 2     │     4 │       │
│   4   │       │   7   │
│       │ 9     │     6 │
│     7 │ 8     │ 1   5 │
│ 8     │ 3   1 │     7 │
│ 6 2   │ 7     │   3   │
press any key to continue

After pressing a key the program will begin solving the puzzle. If the program is running in slow mode (the -s option) you will see the program modifying the puzzle until a solution is found. If the program is not in slow mode it will just display the solution.

│ 7 3 9 │ 4 8 6 │ 5 1 2 │
│ 4 8 2 │ 1 5 9 │ 7 6 3 │
│ 1 6 5 │ 2 7 3 │ 8 9 4 │
│ 2 7 8 │ 6 1 4 │ 3 5 9 │
│ 9 4 6 │ 5 3 8 │ 2 7 1 │
│ 5 1 3 │ 9 2 7 │ 4 8 6 │
│ 3 9 7 │ 8 6 2 │ 1 4 5 │
│ 8 5 4 │ 3 9 1 │ 6 2 7 │
│ 6 2 1 │ 7 4 5 │ 9 3 8 │
51 iterations, press any key to exit

When a solution is found the number of iterations required to solve the puzzle is shown. Pressing a key will exit the program.

The command line syntax for the program is:

usage: sudoku [-h] [-s] [-d] [-t] [puzzle]

Sudoku puzzle solver.

positional arguments:
  puzzle           puzzle file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -s, --slow       slow mode: show puzzle being solved
  -d, --debug      don't use curses to run in a debugger
  -t, --traceback  display call stack when exceptions are raised