
A Ruby interface to the TradeGecko API.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

TradeGecko RubyGem Build Status Code Climate

The official TradeGecko API RubyGem


This library provides a Ruby interface to publicly available (beta) API for TradeGecko.

If you are unfamiliar with the TradeGecko API, you can read the documentation located at https://developer.tradegecko.com


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'gecko-ruby'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install gecko-ruby

Basic Usage

client = Gecko::Client.new(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET)
client.access_token = existing_access_token

products = client.Product.where(q: "Gecko")
#=> [<Gecko::Record::Product id=1 name="Geckotron">, <Gecko::Record::Product id=3 name="Green Gecko">]

Basic Usage Using a Privileged Access Token

client = Gecko::Client.new(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET)
client.authorize_from_existing(PRIVILEGED_ACCESS_TOKEN, nil, nil)

products = client.Product.where(q: "Gecko")
#=> [<Gecko::Record::Product id=1 name="Geckotron">, <Gecko::Record::Product id=3 name="Green Gecko">]

Finding Records

Basic finders

#=> <Gecko::Record::Product id=123 name="Geckotron">
client.Product.find_many(123, 124)
#=> [<Gecko::Record::Product id=123 name="Geckotron">, <Gecko::Record::Product id=124 name="Salamander">
client.Product.where(ids: [123, 124])
#=> [<Gecko::Record::Product id=123 name="Geckotron">, <Gecko::Record::Product id=124 name="Salamander">

Identity Map

The Gecko gem ships with a basic identity map

# Makes an API request

# Returned from identity map on second request, no API request

# Does not use identity map and makes request regardless

client.Product.find_many([123, 124])
# Will return 123 from memory and make request for 124

client.Product.where(ids: [123, 124])
# Does not use identity map and makes request regardless

Building Records

You can create new records by calling build on the appropriate adapter.

geckobot = client.Product.build(name: "Geckobot", product_type: "Robot")
#=> <Gecko::Record::Product id=nil name="Geckobot" product_type: "Robot">
#=> false

Persisting Records

Create Record

You can persist new records by calling save.

geckobot = client.Product.build(name: "Geckobot", product_type: "Robot")
#=> <Gecko::Record::Product id=nil name="Geckobot" product_type: "Robot">
#=> false
geckobot.save # Persists to API
#=> true
#=> <Gecko::Record::Product id=124 name="Geckobot" product_type: "Robot">

You can also create new records from inside a parent object.

variant = product.variants.build(name: "Geckobot", sku: "ROBO")
#=> <Gecko::Record::Variant id=nil product_id=123 name="Geckobot" sku: "ROBO">
#=> false
variant.save #=> Persists to API
#=> true
#=> <Gecko::Record::Variant id=125 product_id=123 name="Geckobot" sku: "ROBO">

Update Record

geckobot = client.Product.find(124)
#=> <Gecko::Record::Product id=124 name="Geckobot" product_type: "Robot">
#=> true
geckobot.product_type = "Robo-boogie"
geckobot.save # Persists to API
#=> true
#=> <Gecko::Record::Product id=124 name="Geckobot" product_type: "Robo-boogie">

Embedded Record Serialization

Some records support being saved inside of their parents. A good example is creating a Sales Order and it's line items.

order = client.Order.build(company_id: 123, shipping_address_id: 123)
order.order_line_items.build(quantity: 1, variant_id: 123, price: 10.5)
order.order_line_items.build(quantity: 2, variant_id: 124, price: 11.0)
order.save # Persists to API
#=> true
#=> [<Gecko::Record::OrderLineItem id=125 variant_id=123 quantity: 1 price: '10.5'>,
     <Gecko::Record::OrderLineItem id=126 variant_id=124 quantity: 2 price: '11.0'>]

This also works when adding new items to an existing order.

order = client.Order.find(123)
order.order_line_items.build(quantity: 1, variant_id: 123, price: 10.5)
order.order_line_items.build(quantity: 2, variant_id: 124, price: 11.0)
order.save # Persists to API
#=> true
#=> [<Gecko::Record::OrderLineItem id=125 variant_id=123 quantity: 1 price: '10.5'>,
     <Gecko::Record::OrderLineItem id=126 variant_id=124 quantity: 2 price: '11.0'>]

N.B. Only creation of embedded objects works at this time. Updating/Deleting embedded items must still be done by calling save/destroy on each of the child objects themselves.


geckobot = client.Product.find(124)
#=> <Gecko::Record::Product id=124 name="Geckobot" product_type: "Robot">
#=> true
geckobot.name = nil
geckobot.save # Attempts to persist to API
#=> false
#=> false
#=> #<Gecko::Errors:0x007ff46d961810 @base=#<Gecko::Record::Base:0x007ff46d96aaa0 id: 124, name: nil>, @messages={:name=>["can't be blank"]}>


The Gecko gem supports instrumentation via AS::Notifications. You can subscribe to API calls by subscribing to 'request.gecko' notifications

ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('request.gecko') do |name, start, finish, id, payload|
  # Do Something

The gem comes with a default LogSubscriber that outputs API requests in an ActiveRecord style. This is disabled by default and can be included by calling Gecko.enable_logging.

Checking API limits

The Gecko gem stores a copy of the last API response per adapter. You can use this to access headers such as cache controls or current API limit usages.

#=> '300'
#=> '290'
#=> '1412079600'

Liquid Compatibility

A compatibility shim for the Liquid templating language is distributed, but not loaded by default. This can be enabled via Gecko.install_liquid_shim


  • Deleting records
  • Complete record collection
  • Handle more API Errors
  • Clean up Access Token management


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/tradegecko/gecko/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request