
Ansible Microsoft Azure Modules

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Basic azure provisioning with ansible tutorial.


  • Basic HOWTO on setting up Linux controller for Azure (this file)
  • Ansible modules for configuring some Azure services
    • ./library/azure_affinity_group creates and manages azure affinity groups
    • ./library/azure_storage_account creates and manages azure storage accounts
    • ./library/azure_hosted_service creates and manages azure hosted services
    • ./library/azure_vm creates and manages azure virtual machines
  • Scripts for configuring some Azure services These scripts should likely be turned into modules
    • ./bin/azure_create_vpn creates an azure vpn for launching machines inside

##Setting up

###Creating Azure API Management Certificates

First of all you will need access to your Azure account. Make sure you have one and are logged into the legacy azure management console and access the Settings window, then the Management Certificates tab.

You will need to create a key, and then a certificate to upload to Azure.

to create the .pem, basically the master key, use the following command

  openssl req \
    -x509 -nodes -days 365 \
    -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout mycert.pem -out mycert.pem

To create the .pfx, which you will need for provisioning VMs, use the following command, be sure not to add a password (hit enter twice)

  openssl pkcs12 -export \
    -out mycert.pfx -in mycert.pem \
    -name “My Certificate”

to create the .cer, to upload into the console so you can manage via the API, use the following command

  openssl x509 -inform pem -in mycert.pem -outform der -out mycert.cer

Note that Azure web interface requires that the certificate be suffixed with .cer, or it will not accept it as valid file xD

Place these files in the ./certs/ directory for safe keeping. This repository will ignore that directory, but refer to the files in it for simplicity.

Now that we have a certificate we need to upload it to the management console, while on the Management Certificates tab, click on the Upload button and add your certificate.

###Configuring Azure modules variables for accessing API

Now that we have a certificate uploaded we can use it to configure access to the Azure management API on this mini ansible distribution.

Once again on the Management Certificates tab, take note of the Subscription ID which we will need to feed to the azure python SDK. It should look something like this: 04ca5a03-2e0c-4c76-b267-5c10162d3c83

Configure this ID under the subscription_id on ./vars/azure.yml

While there, you may configure certificate_path if you did not place the .pem in the ./certs/ directory with the standard name.

Still in ./vars/azure.yml be sure to set the correct fingerprint, which you may retrieve with the following command, then lowercase it, and remove the colons.

  openssl pkcs12 \
    -in mycert.pfx -nodes -passin pass:”” | openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint

Should generate something like:

  MAC verified OK
  SHA1 Fingerprint=C5:04:49:04:82:78:EA:F1:6E:13:47:22:57:1C:85:F3:BB:3F:86:41

Turn this into something like:


Still in ./vars/azure.yml be sure the sshcert variable is pointing to the correct file, default is ./certs/mycert.pfx

###Creating a VPN

As of this writing, creating a VPN on Azure is not automated so you must create one manually. To do so access the Networks item on the Azure console menu and enter the wizard. Call your network VNDevops. You may use the free Google DNS Make it a point-to-site VPN. And use the standard settings of for address space and starting ip. On Virtual Network Address Spaces, you will create a subnet with the standard Subnet-1 name, with standard starting ip, and add a gateway subnet. Click okay.

###All set up!

By now you should be set up to run the ansible scripts to automatically provision virtual machines, storage accounts, and so forth, on your Azure account, for the specific VPN project VNDevops. It is recommended you put all your the machines that belong in a specific platform under the same VPN. So if you have another platform you are building.. You will should create another VPN. These more advanced topics go beyond the scope of this document.

##Provisioning virtual machines automatically.

Vroom! Vroom! Vroooom! Fire ze missiles!!!

Now that we are all set up, provisioning virtual machines is very easy. The ansible playbook ./tutorial.yml will take the following steps:

  • Create an Affinity Group

    This is akin to an AWS security group. It allows you to associate machines with one another.

  • Create a Storage Account

    This is sort of like a AWS s3. You will be able to put data into buckets here.

  • Create an Hosted Service


  • Create a VM

    Of course this is like creating an AWS EC2 instance.