
sample EKS cluster provisioned by Terraform

Primary LanguageHCL

most minimal sample of an EKS cluster provisioned with Terraform using SSL

motivation: most of the examples I found were either old, didn't use SSL, had a lot of self-built terraform modules. In this demo we use only vendor modules or the excellent terraform-aws-modules community modules.

this demo includes the following:

  • everything is created with Terraform
  • Kubernetes on EKS using IRSA
  • AWS-Load-Balancer-Controller ingress with TLS
  • Route53 auto-configuration of domain names
  • ACM auto-provisioned certificates
  • Cloudfront distribution with some simple defaults (note that AWS requires that you verify your AWS account to use the CDN, contact AWS support for that)
  • Flagger, Flux and Istio

requirements for running this demo

  • You must have an AWS account with a registered domain and/or functioning hosted zone ready to deploy to, and Cloudfront enabled
  • You must customize the domain_name variable in variables.tf
  • You may change aws_region to deploy elsewhere in variables.tf
  • You may change cluster_name as well in variables.tf

assuming you are on mac, you need the following:

brew install tfenv kubectl helm awscli
brew install fluxcd/tap/flux
brew install jq yq
tfenv install 1.1.9

setup everything

Note: you should substitute example.com, us-east-1 and mycluster with what you configured in variables.tf

to put up the cluster:

terraform init
terraform apply

generate your kube config and see pods running:

aws eks --region us-east-1 update-kubeconfig --name mycluster
kubectl get nodes

The ALB ingress only accepts HTTPS connections: https://origin.example.com

The real site should be available on Cloudflare CDN:

from here we can add a service mesh, gitops, centralized logging, monitoring, alerting, backup, autoscaling, instance termination handling, the list goes on

I would love any feedback in case you see some better way of doing things


To remove all created resources:

terraform destroy