
a bare minimal EKS cluster setup with Terraform

Primary LanguageHCL

most minimal sample of an EKS cluster provisioned with Terraform using SSL

motivation: most of the examples I found were either old, didn't use SSL, had a lot of self-built terraform modules. In this demo we use only vendor modules or the excellent terraform-aws-modules community modules.

this demo includes the following:

  • everything is created with Terraform
  • Kubernetes on EKS using IRSA
  • AWS-Load-Balancer-Controller ingress with TLS
  • Route53 auto-configuration of domain names
  • ACM auto-provisioned certificates
  • Cloudfront distribution with some simple defaults (note that AWS requires that you verify your AWS account to use the CDN, contact AWS support for that)

in only 443 lines of code!

requirements for running this demo

  • You must have an AWS account with a registered domain and/or functioning hosted zone ready to deploy to, and Cloudfront enabled
  • You must customize the domain_name variable in variables.tf
  • You may change aws_region to deploy elsewhere in variables.tf
  • You may change cluster_name as well in variables.tf

assuming you are on mac, you need the following:

brew install tfenv
brew install kubectl
brew install helm
brew install awscli
tfenv install 1.1.9

setup everything

Note: you should substitute example.com, us-east-1 and mycluster with what you configured in variables.tf

to put up the cluster:

terraform init
terraform apply

generate your kube config and see pods running:

aws eks --region us-east-1 update-kubeconfig --name mycluster
kubectl get nodes

The ALB ingress only accepts HTTPS connections: https://origin.example.com

The real site should be available on Cloudflare CDN:

from here we can add a service mesh, gitops, centralized logging, monitoring, alerting, backup, autoscaling, instance termination handling, the list goes on

I would love any feedback in case you see some better way of doing things


To remove all created resources:

terraform destroy