
OpenCV motion detection for Raspberry Pi + Web interface

Primary LanguageC++

#OpenCV C++ Motion Detection

This is based on work by Cedric Verstraeten, also see his Kerberos.io project for a very nice web interface and camera monitoring interface for Raspberry Pi.

This project handles a different problem: you have a bunch of videos and you only want the parts with motion.


Install OpenCV, for example on Mac using Homebrew:

brew install homebrew/science/opencv --with-ffmpeg

Then compile:

cd motion_src
cmake .

Now you can try it out:

./bin/motion input.avi ~/tmp/motion/output 431 303 541 513

This will detect motion in a box starting at (431, 303) and lower right corner of (541, 513). You can also adjust additional parameters:

Usage: motion INPUT_FILE_NAME OUTPUT_DIRECTORY [x1 y1 x2 y2 [pixel_change motion]]
Default values: x1, y1 = 0; x2, y2 = width, height of the frame, pixel_change=5 motion=20