
Pycom MicroPython RuuviTag BLE Sensor Beacon scanner

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Pycom MicroPython RuuviTag Scanner

Harvest data from RuuviTag BLE Sensor Beacon with the Pycom devices.

This repository was renamend from ``micropython-ruuvitag`` to ``pycom-ruuvitag`` as for this version only works on the Pycom devices and to use the namespace ``micropython-ruuvitag`` for the upstream MicroPython version.

pycom-ruuvitag supports Data Format 2, 3, 4 and 5.

This package comes with a scanner and a tracker. The scanner scans for RuuviTags in a pre defined time and return the result. The tracker continuously scans for RuuviTags and call a callback for each tag found.


With Pymakr you can upload the project to your pycom device. pymakr.conf makes sure that only the relevant files are copied to your device.


RuuviTagScanner scans for RuuviTags and decode the data format. The result is a list with named tuples.

Scan 10 seconds for RuuviTag sensors and print the result:

from ruuvitag.scanner import RuuviTagScanner

rts = RuuviTagScanner()

for ruuvitag in rts.find_ruuvitags(timeout=10):


RuuviTagTracker scans for RuuviTags, decode the data format and call a callback with a named tuple if recieved data from tag.

from ruuvitag.tracker import RuuviTagTracker

def cb(ruuvitag):

rtt = RuuviTagTracker()

Whitelist devices

You can collect data from only the devices you want by define a whitelist with mac addresses. Other Devices then will be ignored. Whitelists can be used with RuuviTagScanner and RuuviTagTracker.

whitelist = (b'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:21', b'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:42',)
rts = RuuviTagScanner(whitelist)

Blacklist persistence

If the data from a Bluetooth device can not be decoded, the device get on a blacklist as long the MicroPython device is not resetted. For a persistent device blacklist the list should be saved and reloaded.

>>> from ruuvitag import RuuviTagScanner
>>> rts = RuuviTagScanner()
>>> # add back blacklisted devices
>>> rts.blacklist = [b'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:21', b'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:42']
>>> # run a new scan
>>> rts.find_ruuvitags(timeout=10)
>>> # get blacklisted devices
>>> rts.blacklist

Named tuple formats

Data Format 2 and 4 (Eddystone-URL)

RuuviTagURL = namedtuple('RuuviTagURL', (

Data Format 3 (RAWv1) and 5 (RAWv2)

RuuviTagRAW = namedtuple('RuuviTagRAW', (