
Package Repository Website - try https://packagist.com if you need your own -

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Package Repository Website for Composer, see the about page on packagist.org for more.

This project is not meant for re-use.

It is open source to make it easy to contribute. We provide no support if you want to run your own, and will do breaking changes without notice.

Check out Private Packagist if you want to host your own packages.


These steps are provided for development purposes only.


  • PHP for the web app
  • Symfony CLI to run the web server
  • MySQL for the main data store
  • Redis for some functionality (favorites, download statistics)
  • git / svn / hg depending on which repositories you want to support


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Create 2 databases:
    • packagist - for the web app
    • packagist_test - for running the tests
  3. Install dependencies:
    composer install
    The composer install will prompt you for the database connection details on first install.
  4. Setup the database:
    bin/console doctrine:schema:create
  5. Start the web server:
    symfony serve
  6. Run a CRON job bin/console packagist:run-workers to make sure packages update.

You should now be able to access the site, create a user, etc.