phorcast -
AngularJS Weather API mash-up of, Flickr, IP API, Google API, and a GIPHY that relates to the weather
Phorcast is a 7-day weather forecast with some GIPHY humor for each day.
Phorcast pulls in data from 5 different APIs and displays it synergistically.
- Phorcast pulls in the IP address of the visitors and defaults to the city location for the IP address
- Phorcast sets the Google Maps to the longitude and latitude of the IP address
- Phorcast pulls the current weather data and forecasted data for the longitude and latitude from
- Phorcast displays the weather forecast for the 7 days with a corresponding GIPHY for each day based on it’s weather
- Phorcast pulls in a new background image from Flickr API based on the current weather for the current day