
Polar bear maternal den observation system.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains control code for Mini DenCam, a polar bear maternal den observation device. The project is a collaboration between the Conservation Technology Lab at the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance and Polar Bears International.


The target hardware is a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B single board computer with a Picamera-style camera and the AdaFruit PiTFT screen (2.8" resistive touch model with 4 GPIO-connected buttons) attached. Typically, several storage devices are connected via the USB ports on the Pi (e.g. microSD card readers).

This hardware is typically integrated into a larger assembly that includes a weatherproof enclosure, batteries, solar charge controller, and external solar panels. Documentation of the full mechanical and electrical design and construction of the DenCam system is not included here but it is hoped that this code (which only needs the components explicitly mentioned in the preceding paragraph) can still be useful to others who are pursuing related projects or want to contribute to the DenCam project.

Operating System

Currently, DenCam runs on Raspian Stretch and Buster. Problems have been encountered with Bullseye (specifically with interfacing with the picamera).

Install from PyPI

pip install dencam

Install from GitHub repository

Install virtualenvwrapper

sudo pip3 install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

Setup virtual environment ~/.bashrc file

echo -e "\n# Virtual environment setup" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Create virtual environment for dencam project

mkvirtualenv dencam_env

Note that DenCam requires Python 3 so if the default on your system is Python 2, make sure the virtual environment will use Python 3:

mkvirtualenv dencam_env -p python3

Activate virtual environment (not necessary if you just made it)

workon dencam_env

Clone the dencam repository

git clone https://github.com/icr-ctl/dencam.git

Update apt package sources list

sudo apt update

Install dencam dependencies

cd dencam
python setup.py install

Install dencam dependencies with optional dependencies

Any functionality that is not integrated into the core dencam project requires optional dependencies to be installed. At the moment, there are two tools that haven't been integrated: utilities/examine_focus_w_grid_scipy.py and utilities/examine_focus_w_grid.py. In order to run either of the files, you must first install the dencam dependencies with optional dependencies.

cd dencam
pip install .[all]

Execute install.sh

sudo chmod u+x install.sh

The above terminal commands give execution permission to the current user and then executes the install.sh script. When the script asks if you'd like to reboot, enter Y for yes. Rebooting is necessary for the settings to take effect. Note: this script should only be run once. The script will do the following:

  • Disable screen saver
  • Setup PiTFT screen


On Raspberry Pi

The core program in the project is dencam.py which runs on the Raspberry Pi that is controlling the field device. It accepts a YAML configuration file as a command line argument. There is an example config file ./cfgs/example_config.yaml

You can copy this example file and modify it to your specific purposes and thus then run DenCam on a properly set up system (see Setup section above for how to set up system) via:

    ./dencam.py cfgs/YOUR_CONFIG_FILE.yaml

If you are connected to the Raspberry Pi via SSH, then first do:

export DISPLAY=:0

Explanation of parameters in the configuration file

The configuration file stores variables used throughout the dencam code.


Takes a positive integer value of the length each recording will be (in seconds). Passing a value of 300 will make each recording 5 min.


Takes in a positive float value which will be the minimum amount of storage (in gigabytes) necessary in order to start a recording.


Takes two integer values, used to set the resolution of the display pages of the Dencam.


Takes in a positive integer value which will be the seconds to wait after the dencam has initially started until the first recording begins


Controls the amount of time the off button needs to be held down for, until the Pi shuts down.


Takes in two positive integers that will be used to dictate the resolution of the camera.


Takes in a positive integer in the range of 10 to 40 where 10 is extremely high quality, and 40 is extremely low. The recommended value should be in the range of 20 to 25.


Controls the frame rate of the recordings, taking in a positive integer in the range of 1 to 60. The higher the number, the smoother the recording at the expense of quality. We found through testing that 30 is a decent halfway point between a smooth recording and an unnoticeable change in quality.


Controls the rotation of the camera display by taking in a positive integer, which represents the orientation in degrees. To have the camera display in landscape, set the value to 0 or 180.

Using the DenCam user interface

The DenCam user interface is through the PiTFT screen. It does not use the touchscreen functionality of the screen: the screen itself is only used for display and the top two physical buttons beside the screen are used for control. DenCam will start on the OffPage, which is in the middle of our traversal. DenCam will boot into the OffPage automatically for power saving purposes. The top button will advance the display through a series of status pages:

  • Networking Information Page
  • Recording Status Page
  • Solar Display Page
  • Camera Preview Page
  • Blank page with screen illumination disabled

On the Recording Status Page, the second button will toggle recording on and off (recording will begin automatically after the countdown set in the configuration file without needing to use this control).

On the Camera Preview Page, the same second button will toggle between the full resolution camera view and a one-to-one pixel view intended to aid in focusing the camera (the camera is focused manually).

On the Network page, the second button will toggle on/off airplane mode. Note that airplane mode will be enabled or disabled on boot depending on the variable AIRPLANE_MODE in the config file.

On the Solar page, the second button will allow user to manually log info. This will also update the information being displayed on the page as well.

SunSaver device setup

The SunSaver device is able to connect to any usb port on the rasberry pi, prior to the dencam being booted that is. After which it is not advised to disconnect while dencam is running. The SunSaver is able to be turned on and off while dencam is running, the SolarPage will display errors when SunSaver may be off or there is an errro with the usb connection.

Setting up cronjobs

Dencam uses a few cronjobs for varying purposes. To set up the cronjob for rebooting the dencam every day at 1am use:

$ sudo nano /etc/crontab

@reboot         root    hwclock --hctosys --utc
30 *    * * *   root    hwclock --hctosys --utc
0  1    * * *   root    /sbin/shutdown -r now

The cronjob that logs SunSaver data every hour uses:

 * * * * * python /home/pi/dencam/dencam/sunsaver_log.py

where 'pi' can be interchange with the device's hostname.

Setting up DenCam to run on boot


Setting up RTC


Dencam Pages

The Dencam user interface has 5 pages, which are traversed using the top button. Each page is displaying information designated to itself. (i.e. Solar Display Page displays information received from Sun Saver)

Networking Information Page

This page displays the hostname of the device along with wifi network information.

Recording Status Page

This page displays the current number of video recordings that have been saved and stored, the file directory where the recordings are currently being written to, the amount of available storage, the timestamp, and a countdown for the recording to start (which is only used for the initial dencam boot). When the countdown is complete, the countdown text will be replaced with the recording status text. The second button is used to toggle the recording on this page.

Solar Display Page

This page displays data received from the SunSaver device in real time. Currently it displays the date and time, Battery Voltage(V), Array Voltage(V), Charge current(A), Load current(A), Ah charge(Daily)(Ah), and Ah load(Daily)(Ah).

Camera Preview Page

This page displays the timestamp and current feed of the Camera. Note that this feed is not necessarily being recorded. The second button will toggle the one-to-one pixel tool to aid focusing.

Blank page with screen illumination disabled

This page is a blank page that displays no information. Its sole purpose is for power saving.

Focus Score Tool


The purpose of a focus score tool is to help the user easily focus the camera. In order to do so, this tool displays a grid over the camera feed with values in each section of the grid that denote how in focus the camera is for that given section. Generally, a higher value for a given section indicates that the section is more in focus, while a lower value indicates that the section is more out of focus. In order for the camera to be in focus, you need to manually adjust the lens and see how the values react. The goal is to have the object or landscape that you're focusing on have the highest value(s) possible.


There are two focus score tools which are each implemented differently. utilities/examine_focus_w_grid.py is an OpenCV-based implementation, while utilities/examine_focus_w_grid_scipy.py is a SciPy-based implementation. At the moment, the OpenCV-based implementation runs the best out of the two versions.

Execute focus score tool

In order to execute the focus score tool, make sure to follow the steps below in order.

  1. SSH into the Raspberry Pi
  2. cd into the root directory of the dencam repository
    i.e. cd dencam
  3. Activate the virtual environment
    i.e. workon dencam_env
  4. Install dencam dependencies with optional dependencies
    i.e. pip install .[all]
  5. Execute the focus score tool
    i.e. python utilities/examine_focus_w_grid.py or
    python utilities/examine_focus_w_grid_scipy.py

Terminate focus score tool

In order to terminate the focus score tool, press Ctrl + C twice. If the program hasn't closed on the Pi, then perform one of the following actions:

  • Tap the PiTFT touchscreen on the Raspberry Pi
  • Shake the mouse connected to the Raspberry Pi
  • Press any key on the keyboard connected to the Raspberry Pi