
This is a meta repository that defines some shared files that our other repositories inherit.

Below is a list of major files / functionality in this repository.

.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ sync issue templates

Issue templates for other repositories. When these files changed, they are automatically synced to our other repositories.

.github/labels.yml sync issue labels

We automatically synchronize a subset of issue labels across all of our major repositories. This is done via a workflow_dispatch.

Reusable Workflow - Documentation link checks

We define a re-usable GitHub workflow to use Sphinx's linkcheck builder and open an issue if there are broken links. It is defined at .github/workflows/documentation-link-check.yaml.

Pre-commit hooks

This repository uses the prettier pre-commit hook to standardize our YAML and markdown structure. This ensures that when we sync files to other repositories, we do not create conflicts with prettier checks in each repository. To install and run it, use these commands from the repository root:

$ pre-commit install
$ pre-commit run -a