Special authenticator for JupyterHub that allows all user logins where the password matches the hex SHA512 HMAC of the username keyed with a secret, shared 512-bit key.
This is a variant of DummyAuthenticator but more secure and meant to be made available over the internet for testing purposes.
If you want to create a large number of JupyterHub users dynamically (for load testing purposes) in a machine compatible way, this is a great fit. You can share just the secret key between the JupyterHub and your load testing client, and create as many users as you would like
pip install jupyterhub-hmacauthenticator
Should install it. It has no additional dependencies beyond JupyterHub.
You can then use this as your authenticator by adding the following line to
your jupyterhub_config.py
c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = 'hmacauthenticator.HMACAuthenticator'
c.HMACAuthenticator.secret_key = bytes.fromhex('secret-key-here')
You can generate a 512-bit secret key with:
openssl rand -hex 64
This snippet of code would generate the password on the client side:
secret_key = bytearray.fromhex('same-secret-key')
username = "your-username".encode('utf-8')
password = hmac.new(secret_key, username, hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()