- Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/considine/b4a-cloud-code-test-example.git
cd b4a-cloud-code-test-example.git
- Install the dependencies
npm install
Create a test Parse Server. You can set up your own local instance, or create an app on Back4App (call it test-app or something to differentiate between production applications)
- This will be used to run tests without corrupting live production data
Grab your keys from the Parse Dashboard
- Go to your Parse Dashboard
- Select the test application
- Click 'App Settings' on the left hand side, and then select 'Security and Keys'
Open up the file spec/constants.js, and paste in your master and application keys FROM YOUR TEST SERVER!
Run the tests:
./node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine.js spec/signup-user.spec.js
You can also install Jasmine globally if you prefer the command be prettier:
npm install -g jasmine
jasmine spec/signup-user.spec.js
OR you can use the npm command
npm run test