
Database Migration module for conskit

Primary LanguageClojure

ck.migrations Build Status Dependencies Status Clojars Project

Database Migration module for conskit


Add the dependency in the clojars badge above in your project.clj.

FlywayDb support

Add the classifier "flyway" and the org.flywaydb/flyway-core library.


Add the following to your bootstrap.cfg:


Add the following to your config.conf

database: {
  classname:   "org.h2.Driver"
  subprotocol: "h2:file"
  subname:     "./demo"
  user:        "sa"
  password:    ""
  prefix: "" # the prefix to use for migration file names (default for flyway is 'V')

Add the dependency in your serivice and call the migrate! method in the init phase.

  [[:CKMigration migrate!]]
  (init [this context]
    (migrate! :flyway :database)

migrate! is called with a provider (:flyway) and the config key for where it should find the database settings (:database)

Add your migrations to the the code or, in the case of Flywaydb, add the sql needed for the migrations to your resources/db/migration folder.

Now when your service is initialized it will migrate the database.


If Flywaydb is not your cup of tea you can always implement your own provider by providing a method that extends the ck.migrations/migrate!* multimethod

(defmethod migrate!* :my-special-provider
  [{:keys [config]}]
  ;; logic
;; Within service init
(migrate! :my-special-provider :database)

where config here is the configuration with the database and possibly other settings i.e. basically anything under the key specified (see flyway/ck/migrations/flyway.clj for an example).


Copyright © 2018 Jason Murphy

Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.