
A very simple experiment to implement spacy to remove contextually similar keywords from a list.


  1. Install spacy

pip install spacy

  1. Download a trained spacy model. Spacy currently has several models for several languages, as can be seen here -

The code currently uses en_core_web_lg - - a 382 MB large language model.

To install python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg

If you decide to go with a different model, be sure to load it appropriately in line 9 of the script.

  1. Add your keywords in a single column CSV file called keywords.csv

  2. Let the script run, the output will be stores in unique.csv

How it works

  1. Uses spacy's token.lemma_ to lemmatize the keywords (this is a trainable metric, so I need to play around with this - in it's present form it uses the default lemmatization)

  2. Uses the combination function from itertools to pair keywords - then makes them run a check against each others with similarity set to > 0.95

  3. Reads file keywords.csv - removes contextually duplicate keywords and writes to file unique.csv