Antidetect Accounts Parser
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Antidetect Accounts Parser by Yellow Web
Статья по софту на русском языке находится тут
This program automatically:
- parses a file with Facebook accounts (or zip/rar-files with 1 FB account for each file)
- checks if accounts are valid (two types of checks are performed)
- creates a profile for each account in your Antidetect browser
- imports cookies into the profile
- saves all account's info into profile's note
Right now this software supports 4 Antidetect browsers:
- Indigo - (btw, you can use YELLOW promocode to get 50% cashback)
- Dolphin Anty
- AdsPower
- OctoBrowser
Also you can import your accounts to monitoring services. Right now these are supported:
YELLOW promocode will give you a discount for both!
- Compile the source code
- Start your browser and leave it opened (except Octo, you don't need to launch it for the program to work)
- Create proxy.txt file in the compiled program's directory
- Add your proxies there line by line in this format - proxytype:ip:port:login:password, for example, socks:
- If you use Dolphin Anty you can also add your proxy's update IP url, for example:
- If you have multiple accounts in a text file then rename this file to accounts.txt and put it into the program's folder
- If you have accounts in archives then create "logs" folder and put them there. Remember, there should be 1 account per 1 zip/rar. You can also use Folders not archives, also 1 folder for one account.
- Start the program and follow the instructions.
You can create dolphinanty.txt file and add your login and password there separated by :.
For Adspower you can create adspower.txt and add your login and password there separated by :.
For Octo you can create octo.txt and add your API token there.
You can create fbtool.txt and add your API token there,
You can create dolphin.txt and add your domain (WITHOUT http://) and API token separated by :. How to get API token? Read here or just run this script in your browser's console on your Dolphin's website:
const cookie=document.cookie.split(";").map(function(o){return o.trim().split("=").map(decodeURIComponent)}).reduce(function(o,e){try{o[e[0]]=JSON.parse(e[1])}catch(c){o[e[0]]=e[1]}return o},{});console.log(cookie.user_id+"-"+cookie.hash);