Interview task
High level description We're going be be standing up a simple CRUD app using NestJS and a sample dataset. It's going to have a few endpoints to demonstrate the creation of endpoints and queries. An example dataset is provided in CSV form to populate the database with. This is a task to demonstrate domain knowledge, derived from an API we stood up in the past for a client but in a much more simpler form.
Phase 1 -Get NestJS setup with your database of choice
-Please use an Entity / Schema definition. For time purposes you don't need to create multiple tables (unless you want to), one table with all fields is fine.
-Write ingestion function to populate the database, the example file is quite large so first 3k rows should be fine.
Phase 2
-Create an endpoint that allows you to add a new row to the database with a Year + Make + Model + Submodel + Notes + Part Number + Size Code
Phase 3
-Create a module that will serve for car/part lookup
-It should have multiple endpoints
- Endpoint returns all years
- Endpoint that returns all Makes available for a given Year
- Endpoint that returns all Models available for a given Year + Makes combination
- Endpoint that returns all Submodels available for a given Year + Makes + Model combination
- Endpoint that returns all Notes available for a given Year + Makes + Model + Submodel combination
- Endpoint that returns Part Number + Size Code given a Year + Make + Model + Submodel + Notes combination
Bonus Discussion
-Given more time how would you better structure the database?
-The example dataset only covers a certain product. How would you structure the database if other products were added (say a separate csv, similar format) that contained cars outside of the given set?
-Assuming that the data sets were updated in the future given a similar csv and the csv was sufficiently large like this one (70,000k+ lines), how would you handle subsequent updates to eliminate downtime while the database was being updated?
$ npm install
Running the app
# development
$ npm run start
# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev
# production mode
$ npm run start:prod
# unit tests
$ npm run test
# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov
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- Author - Kamil Myśliwiec
- Website -
- Twitter - @nestframework
Nest is MIT licensed.