
release `0.6.3`

IndrajeetPatil opened this issue · 7 comments

@const-ae I think the new support for flipped_aes is significant enough that we can do a minor CRAN release.

What do you think?

Sorry for the delay. I was finishing up some another project for the last 2 weeks.

Yes, I agree. I will try and take care of this today :)

I chose the wrong week for this, CRAN is on holiday.


Well, they have certainly earned them. I will retry next week.
Thanks again for managing all the issues and preparing everything :)

The portal has re-opened now.

@const-ae Any update on this?

Sorry, my laptop died last week. I am currently working on having it fixed :/

Oh no 🙈

Laptop works again. Package is on its way to CRAN :)