
JOSS paper submission

IndrajeetPatil opened this issue · 5 comments

@const-ae Unless you are opposed to it, I think we can submit a short paper about ggsignif for JOSS (

I can put together a working draft, and then you can make the necessary changes.

What do you think?

See #89 for a working draft of it.

Revisions added in #90

Checklist before/after submission:

  • Make sure funding sources are acknowledged
  • Think of suggestions for possible editors and reviewers at JOSS (I can take care of this; already have a list)
  • Upload a preprint to bioArxiv or psyArxiv to get a citable doi

@const-ae Would you like to submit or do you want me to do it?

Potential editor:

  • csoneson

Potential reviewers:

  • RMHogervorst
  • cimentadaj
  • njtierney
  • humanfactors