
In 100 days i will an OCR invoice recognition software

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In 100 days i will an OCR invoice recognition software

Day 0: July 11, 2018

Today's Progress: Learning Neural network and OpenCV .

Thoughts: Use NN to build a digit prediction model using the MNIST Dataset. final result of the model shown below, my model attend 98.2% accuracy.

Link to OpenCV: http://opencv-python-tutroals.readthedocs.io/en/latest/py_tutorials/py_objdetect/py_face_detection/py_face_detection.html

Link to work: https://github.com/constantinembufung/Neural-Network-on-MNIST-dataset

Day 1: July 12, 2018

Task: Learn word2vec with neural network Today's Progress: Learn word embedding in neural networks .

Thoughts: To store the word embeddings, we need a V*D matrix, V = vocabulary size, D = is the dimension (user-defined hyperparameter)

  • downloaded several articles from Wikipedia of 61MB.
  • read the data into a string, convert to lower case and tokenize it using nltk
  • build a dictionary - maps string word to an ID eg. given the sentence I like to go to school {I:0, like:1, to:2, go:3, school:4}
  • reverse_dictionary: maps ID to string word e.g {O:I, 1:like, 2:to, 3:go, 4:school}
  • count : list of list (word, frequency) e.g {(I,1), (like,1), (to,2), (go,1), (school,1)}
  • data : contain string of text we read, string words are replaced with word IDs
  • use UNK to represent unkown words that are not commonly used Link to work: https://github.com/constantinembufung/Word-Embeddings

Day 2, 3, 4, 5: July 13 - 16, 2018

Task: Learn Deep Learning with Keras Today's Progress: using keras to build a CNN for handwritten digits .

Thoughts: Understand backpropagation

  • Build a CNN using the cifar10 datasets with 76.55% accuracy
  • Learn how to do Data Augmentation when you have small training data
  • Learn how to make your netword deep by adding more hidden layers, dropouts and using more CNN
  • our model was like this Conv+Conv+maxpool+dropout+conv+conv+maxpool Link to work: https://github.com/constantinembufung/deep_learning_with_keras

Day 7: July 17, 2018

Tasks : - Improving the CIFAR-10 performance with deeper a network: conv+conv+maxpool+dropout+conv+conv+maxpool Followed by a standard dense+dropout+dense. All the activation functions are ReLU.

Day 8, : July 18, 2018

Tasks : - Image Classification using keras

Day 9, : July 19, 2018

Tasks : - Movies reviews using keras

Day 10 : August 03, 2018

Task: Test Generation using LSTM Learn: Today i learn how LSTM works and also learn word embedding Next task: Image captioning uusing LSTM link: @sirajraval

Day 11: August 06, 2018 @100DaysOfMLCode

Day 11: learn Neural Machine Translation, understanding the maths behind LSTM in MT , study the BLEU score - evaluating the machine translation system. Encoder-Decoder architecture. Next Task: Build a seq2seq model for NMT from German-English using LSTM

Day 12: August 12, 2018 @100DaysOfMLCode

Day 11: learn Neural Machine Translation, understanding the maths behind LSTM in MT , study the BLEU score - evaluating the machine translation system. Encoder-Decoder architecture. Next Task: Build a seq2seq model for NMT from German-English using LSTM

Day 13: August 13, 2018 @100DaysOfMLCode

Day 11: Build Basic Neural Machine Translation from German to english
Next Task: improve the model by using Attentio