
Portfolio Website in NextJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Portfolio Website

Welcome to Portfolio website built using Next.js! This project showcases my skills, projects, and provides an overview of my professional journey.

Youtube Tutorial Link: https://youtu.be/9T-XtePdLOc

Live Preview: https://portfolio-website-theta-wine.vercel.app/

Portfolio Website

Table of Contents


This portfolio website serves as a platform for me to display my work, skills, and experiences as a web developer. It provides an interactive and visually appealing way for visitors to learn more about me and the projects I've worked on.


  • Home: A brief introduction and welcome message.
  • Projects: Showcase of my featured projects with descriptions, screenshots, and links.
  • Skills: List of technical skills and technologies I'm proficient in.
  • About Me: A detailed section about my background, education, and professional journey.
  • Contact: Information for visitors to reach out to me.

Technologies Used

  • Next.js: A React framework for building server-rendered applications.
  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • CSS Modules: Scoped CSS for styling components.

Getting Started

To get a local copy of this project up and running, follow these steps.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/constgenius/Portfolio_Website
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd portfolio-website
  3. Install dependencies: npm install


To start the development server and preview the website, run:

npm run dev