
Rock Paper Scissor Game in JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a simple Rock Paper Scissors game implemented in JavaScript and HTML. The game allows users to play against the computer by selecting either "rock," "paper," or "scissors" and seeing the result of the game.

How to Play

  1. Download or clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the index.html file in your web browser.
  3. The game will be displayed in your browser, showing the player's options (rock, paper, scissors) and the computer's choice.
  4. Click on one of the buttons corresponding to your choice (rock, paper, or scissors).
  5. The game will display the result, whether the player wins, loses, or it's a tie.

Files and Directory Structure

  • index.html: The main HTML file containing the structure of the game and user interface.
  • script.js: The JavaScript file containing the game logic and functionality.

Technologies Used

  • HTML: For creating the user interface and structure of the game.
  • JavaScript: For implementing the game logic and interactivity.

Game Rules

  • Rock beats Scissors.
  • Scissors beats Paper.
  • Paper beats Rock.


  • Feel free to customize the game according to your preference. You can change the appearance, add sound effects, or even implement more advanced game features. The script.js file contains the main game logic, so you can modify it to suit your needs.


  • This game should work on all modern web browsers that support HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. It has been tested on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.


  • This game was created by constgenius as a fun project. If you found this helpful or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to provide feedback.