
TV Shows App using React JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TV Shows App using React JS

ShowSpace is a simple React application that allows users to browse TV shows and view details about each show. The app utilizes the TVMaze API for fetching show data.

Video explanation & Preview: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1J8lyLZ_MnrgJXPPXV6BMUkSyN6Dx3-wG?usp=sharing

Deployed Link: https://tvshowsappreact.vercel.app/


  • Show List: View a list of TV shows with basic information.
  • Show Details: Click on a show to see more details, including a summary.
  • Booking Form: Book tickets for a show with a simple form.




Show List

  • Displays a list of TV shows.
  • Allows searching for shows by name.
  • Clicking on a show redirects to its details page.

Show Details

  • Shows detailed information about a specific TV show.
  • Includes a booking form to book tickets for the show.

Booking Form

  • Form to enter name and email for booking tickets.
  • Data is stored in local storage and pre-filled if available.

Components Structure

  • App: Main component rendering the app layout.
  • ShowList: Component for displaying the list of TV shows.
  • ShowCard: Component representing a single show card.
  • ShowDetails: Component for displaying detailed information about a specific show.
  • BookingForm: Component for the booking form.

Local Storage

  • User details entered in the booking form are stored in local storage.
  • Data is retrieved and pre-filled when the form is opened again.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Run npm install to install dependencies.
  3. Run npm run dev to start the development server.
  4. Open the app in your browser at http://localhost:5173.

Technologies Used

  • React
  • Axios for API requests
  • CSS for styling


Robin Singh