The new RGBA Color Picker v2.1 is a completely re-written version
The RGBA Color Picker is a color picker that supports transparency colors in RGBA-Mode. In addition, the plugin offers the possibility to customize the color palette according to your own wishes.
Moreover, the plugin can be updated via the WordPress Update feature.
Use the filter acf_extended_color_picker_colors
filter to create your own color palettes for the color picker.
Put a code like this into yout theme functions.php (you can use HEX or RGBA color values:
function set_acf_extended_colorpicker_palette() {
$palette = array(
return $palette;
add_filter('acf/extended_color_picker/palette', 'set_acf_extended_colorpicker_palette');
If you have an options page where you define some standard colors, create an array from this options like (this is an example using a repeater field to set the colors; if you store your colors within a delimter separted string, convert this string into an array):
function set_acf_extended_colorpicker_palette() {
// optional - add colors which are not set in the options page
$palette = array(
while( have_rows('YOUR_COLOR_REPEATER_FIELD', 'YOUR_OPTIONS_PAGE') ) { the_row();
$palette[] = get_sub_field('YOUR_COLOR_FIELD');
return $palette;
add_filter('acf/extended_color_picker/palette', 'set_acf_extended_colorpicker_palette');
This plugin needs the installation/activation of Advanced Custom Fields v5
Install as Plugin
- Copy the 'acf-extended-color-picker' folder into your plugins folder
- Activate the plugin via the Plugins admin page
Include within theme
ACF RGBA Color Picker can be included in the theme by using the acf/extended_color_picker/url
- Copy the 'acf-extended-color-picker' folder into your theme folder (can use sub folders).
- Edit your functions.php file and add the code below (make sure the path is correct to include the acf-extended-color-picker.php file)
include_once( 'includes/acf-extended-color-picker/acf-extended-color-picker.php' );
add_filter( 'acf/extended_color_picker/url', 'acf_extended_color_picker_url' );
function acf_extended_color_picker_url( $url ) {
$url = get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/acf-extended-color-picker/';
return $url;
This ACF field type is only compatible with ACF Pro v5
- Fixed a bug in script
- Fix bug with wrong internal ACF name
- Rewritten JS file for optimization and fixing a bug where multiple color buttons are displayd after adding color picker field to repeater or flexible content field.
- Color picker now displays typical transparent background grid, if no color is selected or color is cleared.
- New RGBA color picker library (thanks to Sergio P.A. for the wp-color-picker-alpha)
- New update function (thanks to Janis Elsts for the Plugin Update Checker)
- New
filter to create color palettes for the color picker
- First release