ACF RGBA Color Picker

The new RGBA Color Picker v2.1 is a completely re-written version

advanced custom field RGA color picker


The RGBA Color Picker is a color picker that supports transparency colors in RGBA-Mode. In addition, the plugin offers the possibility to customize the color palette according to your own wishes.

Moreover, the plugin can be updated via the WordPress Update feature.

Custom color palettes

Use the filter acf_extended_color_picker_colors filter to create your own color palettes for the color picker.

Put a code like this into yout theme functions.php (you can use HEX or RGBA color values:

function set_acf_extended_colorpicker_palette() {
	$palette = array(

	return $palette;
add_filter('acf/extended_color_picker/palette', 'set_acf_extended_colorpicker_palette');

If you have an options page where you define some standard colors, create an array from this options like (this is an example using a repeater field to set the colors; if you store your colors within a delimter separted string, convert this string into an array):

function set_acf_extended_colorpicker_palette() {
	// optional - add colors which are not set in the options page
	$palette = array(

		while( have_rows('YOUR_COLOR_REPEATER_FIELD', 'YOUR_OPTIONS_PAGE') ) { the_row();
			$palette[] = get_sub_field('YOUR_COLOR_FIELD');

	return $palette;
add_filter('acf/extended_color_picker/palette', 'set_acf_extended_colorpicker_palette');

This plugin needs the installation/activation of Advanced Custom Fields v5


Install as Plugin

  1. Copy the 'acf-extended-color-picker' folder into your plugins folder
  2. Activate the plugin via the Plugins admin page

Include within theme

ACF RGBA Color Picker can be included in the theme by using the acf/extended_color_picker/url filter.

  1. Copy the 'acf-extended-color-picker' folder into your theme folder (can use sub folders).
  2. Edit your functions.php file and add the code below (make sure the path is correct to include the acf-extended-color-picker.php file)
include_once( 'includes/acf-extended-color-picker/acf-extended-color-picker.php' );

add_filter( 'acf/extended_color_picker/url', 'acf_extended_color_picker_url' );
function acf_extended_color_picker_url( $url ) {
	$url = get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/acf-extended-color-picker/';

	return $url;


This ACF field type is only compatible with ACF Pro v5



  • Fixed a bug in script


  • Fix bug with wrong internal ACF name


  • Rewritten JS file for optimization and fixing a bug where multiple color buttons are displayd after adding color picker field to repeater or flexible content field.
  • Color picker now displays typical transparent background grid, if no color is selected or color is cleared.



  • First release