
Ansible role to apply microcontroller developer configuration.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT





Ansible role to apply python developer configuration.


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Ansible role to apply microcontroller developer configuration.

This is capable of:

  • Upgrade the system.
  • Add apt repository sources.
  • Update the apt cache.
  • Uninstall apt packages.
  • Install apt packages.
  • Install yarn packages.
  • Install pip packages.
  • Apply system-wide configuration using git.
  • Stop services and disable them.
  • Enable services and restart them.
  • Create users.
  • Add users to groups.
  • Apply user-wide configuration using git.
  • Run custom user tasks.

By default this role applies the following configuration:

  • Installs the base software:
  • apt-transport-https
  • bzip2
  • ca-certificates
  • curl
  • sudo
  • unrar-free
  • unzip
  • vim
  • wget
  • xz-utils
  • Installs the base developer software:
  • bats
  • bchunks
  • build-essential
  • emacs
  • flac
  • git
  • libtext-csv-perl
  • make
  • meld
  • retext
  • ssh-askpass
  • texlive-bibtex-extra
  • texlive-latex-base
  • texlive-latex-extra
  • tree
  • Installs the microcontroller developer software:
  • Via apt:
  • clang
  • fritzing
  • fritzing-data
  • fritzing-parts
  • python3
  • python3-pip
  • Via pip:
  • platformio
  • Configures the base software:
  • vim
  • Creates a .vimrc configuration file on each user home
  • Enable syntax highlight.
  • Set two spaces instead of tabs.
  • Configures the base developer software:
  • emacs
  • Creates a .emacs.d configuration folder on each user home
  • Enable line numbers.
  • Set themes folder.
  • Set wintermute theme.
  • Use spaces instead of tabs.
  • Configures the microcontroller developer software:
  • emacs
  • C-c i b: Build the project without auto-uploading.
  • C-c i c: Clean compiled objects.
  • C-c i u: Build and upload.
  • groups - Adds users to the groups:

    • dialout.
  • udev - Adds the rules file


  • Creates the following home directory layout:
├── .emacs.d
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── base.el
│   │   ├── micro.el
|   │   └── org.el
│   ├── init.el
│   └── themes
│       └── wintermute-theme.el
└── .vimrc
  • Modifies the following files:
├── .bashrc
└── .profile


  • To install and execute:
ansible-galaxy install constrict0r.develmicro
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K
  • Passing variables:
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K \
    -e "{packages: [gedit, rolldice]}"
  • To include the role on a playbook:
- hosts: servers
      - {role: constrict0r.develmicro}
  • To include the role as dependency on another role:
  - role: constrict0r.develmicro
    packages: [gedit, rolldice]
  • To use the role from tasks:
- name: Execute role task.
    name: constrict0r.develmicro
    packages: [gedit, rolldice]

To run tests:

cd develmicro
chmod +x testme.sh

On some tests you may need to use sudo to succeed.


Platformio and Emacs

To use Emacs to handle Platformio projects, follow the next steps:

Create your project directory and enter on it:

mkdir ~/your-project
cd ~/your-project

Obtain your board ID, you can use platformio to search for your board IDE, for example, to show the boards that are compatible with the ESP8266 microcontroller, use the following command:

pio boards wemos

# Shows something like:
Platform: espressif8266
ID                  MCU           Frequency  Flash   RAM    Name
d1                  ESP8266       80Mhz     4096kB  80kB   WeMos D1(Retired)
d1_mini             ESP8266       80Mhz     4096kB  80kB   WeMos D1 R2 & mini

For arduino you can use:

pio boards arduino

# Shows something like:
Platform: atmelavr
ID                  MCU           Frequency  Flash   RAM    Name
nanoatmega328new    ATMEGA328P    16MHz      30KB    2KB     Arduino Nano
pro16MHzatmega328   ATMEGA328P    16MHz      30KB    2KB     Arduino Pro
robotControl        ATMEGA32U4    16MHz      28KB    2.50KB  Arduino Robot
uno                 ATMEGA328P    16MHz      31.50KB 2KB     Arduino Uno

You can also choose your board ID by using the platformio boards or the Embedded Boards Explorer command.

Once you have your board ID, generate the project via the platformio init –ide command, for example using the d1_mini board ID:

platformio init --ide emacs --board d1_mini

Or for the Arduino Uno:

platformio init --ide emacs --board uno

The init command will create the project structure, a platformio.ini file will be created on the project’s root directory, edit this platformio.ini to specify the serial port that your microcontroller is using on your computer, it could be something like /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyACM0 or similar, for the ESP8266 add:

platform = espressif8266
board = d1_mini
framework = arduino
upload_port = /dev/ttyUSB0

For the Arduino Uno add:

platform = atmelavr
board = uno
framework = arduino
upload_port = /dev/ttyACM0

In order to activate the platformio commands on Emacs, you will need to add a .projectile file on the root directory of your project (as Emacs uses projectile as its only requirement), create an empty .projectile file on root directory:

touch .projectile

Next, create the file src/Blink.ino with the following content and save it:

ESP8266 Blink
Blink the blue LED on the ESP8266 module.

#define LED 2 // Define blinking LED pin.

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); // Initialize the LED pin as an output.
// The loop function runs over and over again forever.
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED, LOW); // Turn LED on (Note that LOW is the voltage level).
  delay(1000); // Wait for a second
  digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // Turn LED off by making the voltage HIGH.
  delay(1000); // Wait for two seconds.

Open the src/Blink.ino file with Emacs, if you are opening a .ino file for the very first time, you probably have to close Emacs and open it again to refresh the changes made by the package manager.

When Editing on Emacs, you can use the following keybindings:

  • C-c i b: Build the project without auto-uploading.
  • C-c i c: Clean compiled objects.
  • C-c i u: Build and upload.

For more available keybindings, see the official documentation.


The following variables are supported:


Boolean value indicating if load items from file paths or URLs or just treat files and URLs as plain text.

If set to true this role will attempt to load items from the especified paths and URLs.

If set to false each file path or URL found on packages will be treated as plain text.

This variable is set to true by default.

ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro \
    -e "expand=true configuration='/home/username/my-config.yml' titles='packages'"

If you wish to override the value of this variable, specify an item_path and an item_expand attributes when passing the item, the item_path attribute can be used with URLs too:

ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro \
    -e "{expand: false,
        packages: [ \
            item_path: '/home/username/my-config.yml', \
            item_expand: false \
        ], titles: 'packages'}"

To prevent any unexpected behaviour, it is recommended to always specify this variable when calling this role.


List of groups to add all users into. Each non-empty username will be added to the groups specified on this variable.

This list can be modified by passing an groups array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \
    "{group: [disk, sudo]}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.develmicro
        - disk
        - sudo

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{group: [disk, sudo]}"


List of packages to install via apt.

This list can be modified by passing a packages array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \
    "{packages: [gedit, rolldice]}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.develmicro
        - gedit
        - rolldice

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{packages: [gedit, rolldice]}"


List of packages to install via yarn.

This list can be modified by passing a packages_js array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

If you want to install a specific package version, then specify name and version attributes for the package.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \
    "{packages_js: [node-red, {name: requests, version: 2.22.0}]}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.develmicro
        - node-red
        - name: requests
          version: 2.22.0

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{packages_js: [node-red, {name: requests, version: 2.22.0}]}"


List of packages to install via pip.

This list can be modified by passing a packages_pip array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

If you want to install a specific package version, append the version to the package name.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \
    "{packages_pip: ['bottle==0.12.17', 'whisper']}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.develmicro
        - bottle==0.12.17
        - whisper

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{packages_pip: ['bottle==0.12.17', 'whisper']}"


List of packages to purge using apt.

This list can be modified by passing a packages_purge array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \
    "{packages_purge: [gedit, rolldice]}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.develmicro
        - gedit
        - rolldice

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{packages_purge: [gedit, rolldice]}"


If an user do not specifies the password attribute, this password will be setted for that user.

This password will only be setted for new users and do not affects existent users.

This variable defaults to 1234.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \
    "{password: 4321}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.develmicro
      password: 4321

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \


List of repositories to add to the apt sources.

This list can be modified by passing a repositories array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \
    "{repositories: [{ \
         name: multimedia, \
         repo: 'deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org sid main' \

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.develmicro
        - name: multimedia
          repo: deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org sid main

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{repositories: [{ \
         name: multimedia, \
         repo: 'deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org sid main' \


List of services to enable and start.

This list can be modified by passing a services array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \
    "{services: [mosquitto, nginx]}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.develmicro
        - mosquitto
        - nginx

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{services: [mosquitto, nginx]}"


List of services to stop and disable.

This list can be modified by passing a services_disable array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \
    "{services_disable: [mosquitto, nginx]}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.develmicro
        - mosquitto
        - nginx

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{services_disable: [mosquitto, nginx]}"


URL or list of URLs pointing to git skeleton repositories containing layouts of directories and configuration files.

Each URL on system_skeleton will be checked to see if it points to a valid git repository, and if it does, the git repository is cloned.

The contents of each cloned repository will then be copied to the root of the filesystem as a simple method to apply system-wide configuration.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \
    "{system_skeleton: [item_path: https://gitlab.com/huertico/server, item_expand: false]}"

# Or:
# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \
    "{system_skeleton:https://gitlab.com/huertico/server, expand: false}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.develmicro
        - item_path: https://gitlab.com/huertico/server
          item_expand: false
        - item_path: https://gitlab.com/huertico/client
          item_expand: false

# Or:
# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.develmicro
        - https://gitlab.com/huertico/server
        - https://gitlab.com/huertico/client
      expand: false

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{system_skeleton: [item_path: https://gitlab.com/huertico/server, item_expand: false]}"

# Or:
# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{system_skeleton: [https://gitlab.com/huertico/server], expand: false}"


Boolean variable that defines if a system full upgrade is performed or not.

If set to true a full system upgrade is executed.

This variable is set to true by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.develmicro
      upgrade: false

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \


List of users to be created. Each non-empty username listed on users will be created.

This list can be modified by passing an users array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \
    "{users: [mary, jhon]}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.develmicro
        - mary
        - jhon

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{users: [mary, jhon]}"


URL or list of URLs pointing to git skeleton repositories containing layouts of directories and configuration files.

Each URL on system_skeleton will be checked to see if it points to a valid git repository, and if it does, the git repository is cloned.

The contents of each cloned repository will then be copied to each user home directory.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \
    "{user_skeleton: [item_path: https://gitlab.com/constrict0r/home, item_expand: false]}"

# Or:
# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \
    "{user_skeleton: [https://gitlab.com/constrict0r/home], expand: false}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.develmicro
        - item_path: https://gitlab.com/constrict0r/home
          item_expand: false

# Or:
# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.develmicro
        - https://gitlab.com/constrict0r/home
      expand: false

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{user_skeleton: [item_path: https://gitlab.com/constrict0r/home, item_expand: false]}"

# Or:
# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{user_skeleton: [https://gitlab.com/constrict0r/home], expand: false}"


Absolute file path or URL to a .yml file containing ansible tasks to execute.

Each file or URL on this variable will be checked to see if it exists and if it does, the task is executed.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \
    "{user_tasks: [item_path: https://is.gd/vVCfKI, item_expand: false]}"

# Or:
# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \
    "{user_tasks: [https://is.gd/vVCfKI], expand: false}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.develmicro
        - item_path: https://is.gd/vVCfKI
          item_expand: false

# Or:
# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.develmicro
        - https://is.gd/vVCfKI
      expand: false

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{user_tasks: [item_path: https://is.gd/vVCfKI, item_expand: false]}"

# Or:
# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{user_tasks: [https://is.gd/vVCfKI], expand: false}"


Absolute file path or URL to a .yml file that contains all or some of the variables supported by this role.

It is recommended to use a .yml or .yaml extension for the configuration file.

This variable is empty by default.

# Using file path.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \

# Using URL.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.develmicro -K -e \

To see how to write a configuration file see the YAML file format section.


When passing configuration files to this role as parameters, it’s recommended to add a .yml or .yaml extension to the each file.

It is also recommended to add three dashes at the top of each file:


You can include in the file the variables required for your tasks:

  - [gedit, rolldice]

If you want this role to load list of items from files and URLs you can set the expand variable to true:

packages: /home/username/my-config.yml

expand: true

If the expand variable is false, any file path or URL found will be treated like plain text.


On the item level you can use attributes to configure how this role handles the items data.

The attributes supported by this role are:


Name of the item to load or create.

  - item_name: my-item-name


Password for the item to load or create.

  - item_pass: my-item-pass


List of groups to add users into.

  - item_name: my-username
    item_group: [disk, sudo]


Boolean value indicating if treat this item as a file path or URL or just treat it as plain text.

  - item_expand: true
    item_path: /home/username/my-config.yml


Absolute file path or URL to a .yml file.

  - item_path: /home/username/my-config.yml

This attribute also works with URLs.


If you want to run the tests, you will also need:



MIT. See the LICENSE file for more details.




The full project structure is shown below:




The Travelling Vaudeville Villain.

