
Schema Specification and Validation that facilitates Self-Validating, Self-Describing, Self-Testing, Self-Coding, Documentation First Development

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Specification schema for models, data types, and domain-interfacing operations that facilitate Documentation Driven Development for self-generated-code, self-validating, self-describing, auto-tested. and self-testing generated source code scaffolding for the Domain-Interfacing logic.

Schema Types


Traditionally, a field's specification is broad, abstract, or meaningless which leads to writing documentation that attempts to provide meaning to the consumer of the code. We know what an Integer, Float, Byte, String, etc. are - but these are just labels we apply to varying ways of storing and manipulating data. If the author provides sufficient information regarding the acceptable values, ranges, and edge case - there is still the matter of writing a slew of tests to ensure the fields lie within the specifications. Not to mention, hoping the documentation remains in line with the implementation as teams, features, and requirements change and grow.

While still using the same underlying storage and manipulations considered familiar across the landscape, fields in DeepThought attempt to remove the tediousness, prevent stale documentation, as well as describing what is. Each field specifies a code-friendly reference name, a human-readable meaningful name, description, constraints, coercive manipulations of the underlying data type - plus units if applicable.

Assume you need a field that represents the height of something, maybe a person:

Traditionally, this would be a field of type int - if you're lucky or forward thinking, the variable name might be heightFt - more often than not it's named height.

With DeepThought, this field could be specified as:

# person.fields.yml
id: height
type: number
name: Height
description: How tall the person is
unit: foot
coerce: True
- minimum: 0
- maximum: 8
- precision: 
    value: 1
    unit: inch

Or, for the rest of the world:

# person.fields.yml
type: number
name: Height
description: How tall the person is
unit: meter
coerce: True
- minimum: 0
- maximum: 3
- precision: 0.01

You tell DeepThought the unit to present to the Domain-Interfacing Use Case.


The constraints placed on a field, as seen above, can be expressed with inferred or explicit units. Constraints apply to a set of underlying types: minimum is not a meaningful constraint to a string or byte.

Built-in Constraints



DeepThought's extensible unit system comes bundled with commonly used units. Through the use of dimensional fields, DeepThought will also test and validate correctness through dimensional analysis. Of course, not every field has a need for units - unit-less scalars are just as valid.

To define custom units, provide a key that can be used in fields to refer to and a few other basic pieces of information:

# units.yml
id: fathom
name: Fathom
description: A length measure usually referring to a depth.
  single: Fathom
  plural: Fathoms
  symbol: fm
  unit: meter
  factor: 1.8288

While any unit can be specified in the conversion attribute, specifying the conversion factor in relation to International System Units (SI), allows for wider, easier adoption in more systems and projects.

To specify an entirely new dimensional unit, simply omit the conversion attribute:

# units.yml
id: click
name: Click
description: The click count of something.
  single: Click
  plural: Clicks
  symbol: clicks
id: slam  # This may be meaningful to someone...
name: Slams
description: Count of something clicked being broken.
    single: Slam
    plural: Slams
    symbol: slams
    unit: click
    factor: .001  # If clicked 1000 times, must be broken

DeepThought also supports defining multi-dimensional units, or compound units, even complex units.

For example, velocity is distance over time, acceleration is the change in velocity over time:

id: velocity
name: Velocity
description: The change in physical position per unit time.
  single: meter per second
  plural: meters per second
  symbom: m/s
  unit: meter
    unit: second
id: acceleration
name: Acceleration
description: The rate of change in velocity per unit time.
  single: meter per second^2
  plural: meters per second^2
  symbol: m/s^2
  unit: meter
    unit: second
    exponent: 2

Built-in Units

  • bps, Bps, kbps, kBps, mbps, mBps
  • bit, byte, kilobit, kilobyte, megabit, megabyte, gigabyte
  • ampere
  • Couloumb, joule
  • acceleration, velocity, force, presssure
  • foot, inch, mile, yard
  • centimeter, millimeter, meter, kilometer
  • ounce, pound, gram, kilogram, microgram
  • second, minute, hour
  • hertz

Built-in Constants

  • Elementary Charge
  • Gravitational Constant
  • Lightspeed
  • Planck


Models are the data structures that are directly consumed, or returned by, Domain-Interfacing Use Cases. Models comprise the necessary Fields to fully describe that which the domain can consume, manipulate, transform, parse, or return.

Assume, you had a use case for calculating the volumetric density of a can of Pringles and created the following models:

# pringles.fields.yml
- id: radius
  type: number
  name: Radius
  description: Distance from edge to center of a Pringles can
  unit: centimeter
  coerce: True
    - minimum: 0
    - maximum:
        value: 1
        unit: meter
- id: height
  type: float
  name: Height
  description: Distance from bottom to top of a Pringles can
  unit: inches
  coerce: True
    - exclusiveMinimum: 0
- id: mass
  type: number
  name: Mass
  description: The amount of matter contained in a Pringles can
  unit: grams
  coerce: True
- id: density
  type: number
  name: Pringles Can Density 
  description: The mean density of the a Pringles can
  unit: si_density
# pringles.models.yml
  name: Pringles Can Dimensions
  description: The physical measurements of a can of Pringles
    - radius
    - mass
    - height

  fields: density

Domain-Interfacing Use Cases

When specifying Domain-Interfacing Use Cases, Deepthought has no knowledge of your implementation. Be it a single method, a chain of methods - that is up to you. Specify the input Model, and the output Model - knowing you can trust that your input is valid, tested, and in the exact form that is expected. If dimensionally correct, DeepThought will generate the scaffolded code for you to implement - if incorrect, you will know before you even start coding.


# pringles.usecases.yml
  name: Calculate Density of Cylinder
  description: Calculates the density of a cylinder
  input: pringles_can_dimensions
  output: pringles_can_density


# pringles.fields.yml
  name: Pringles Can Density 
  description: The mean density of the a Pringles can
  unit: meter / second
# pringles.usecases.yml
  name: Calculate Density of Cylinder
  description: Calculates the density of a cylinder
  input: pringles_can_dimensions
  output: pringles_can_density

There is no way that the input units (inches/centimeter and grams) - could possibly be yield to the expected units (meter / second) specified in the density model based on the known units in the system.

Use Cases can be chained, accept multiple models, provide permission validation and are completely reusable.

Chained Use Cases with Multiple Input Models

Most architectural philosophies preach of the "ATOMIC!": Atomic commits, atomic classes, atomic use cases. It makes sense to reuse Use Cases, and put them together like Legos or microservices. Using the Use Case schema, you can specify the next use case in the chain. Inputs can be trusted, and output models must be dimensionally possible from the input models for the code-generated scaffolding to work.

# usecases.yml
  name: Calculate the Density of a Cylinder
  description: Calculates the density of a cylinder
  input: pringles_can_dimensions
  output: pringles_can_density
  next: calculate_time_to_empty

  name: Calculate the time to empty a can of Pringles
  description: Calculates the time it will take to consume an entire Pringles can. Once You Pop, You Can't Stop!
    - pringles_can_dimensions
    - density_consumption_rate
  output: time_to_empty_can
  next: extrapolate_emptying_pantry

  name: Calculate the time to empty the pantry
  description: Extrapolates the time it takes to empty a can of Pringles to approximate the time to devour the pantry full of Pringles.
    - time_to_empty_can
    - pringles_can_density
    - pantry_dimensions
  output: time_to_obesity

Re-usability Of Schemas

Hard-coding names and descriptions, as above, doesn't facilitate portability or re-usability. To rectify Units, Field, Data Types can utilize template replacers of the containing structures.

# fields.yml
  type: float
  name: Radius
  description: Radial dimension of {{ model.name }}
  unit: centimeter
  coerce: True
  type: float
  name: Height
  description: Top to bottom dimension of {{ model.name }}
  unit: inches
  coerce: True
  type: float
  name: Mass
  description: Physical quantity of matter in {{ model.usecase.focus }}
  unit: grams
  coerce: True
  type: float
  name: Density of {{ model.usecase.focus }} 
  description: The mean density of {{ model.usecase.focus }}
  unit: kilogram / (meter ^ 3)
# models.yml
  name: Dimensions of {{ usecase.focus }}
  description: The physical measurements of {{ usecase.focus }}
    - radius
    - mass
    - height

# usecases.yml
  name: Get Density of {{ this.focus }}
  description: Calculates mean density of {{ this.focus }} 
  input: dimensions
  output: density

  extends: get_cylinder_density
  focus: Pringles Can
  next: calculate_time_to_empty



Where's the value? I don't get it - Editorial

I have always been drawn to software architectural design. I also am one of those blatantly guilty of focusing on code, not the documentation - and if you know me, I'm lazy. I don't write a lot of APIs, which seems to be the focus of GraphQL and Swagger - but the idea of schema-first, validated, self-describing... resonated with me. Take Ansible, with well-defined YAML formatted documentation, the ArgSpec must still be implemented; allowing for divergence in implementation and documentation.

The goal here is to create a specification that is simple, scalable and consistent enough for non-developers to maintain. A specification that can drive and generate human-readable documentation (Swagger). Automatically generate descriptive and meaningful classes in almost any language (GraphQL). Testing is a natural consequence of the specification and constraints therein (TTD).

Is this complete? Not by a long shot. If you see the benefit, join me! Because, for me, this will completely change how I approach software development.