User Stories 404: As an anon/user I can see a 404 page if I try to reach a page that does not exist so that I know it's my fault Signup: As an anon I can sign up in the platform so that I can start adding my old clothes I want to sell Login: As a user I can login to the platform so that I can see my favorite closets Logout: As a user I can logout from the platform so no one else can use it Add sell items: As a user I can add an item so that I can sell it

Backlog List of other members/items: As a user I want to see the other closets so that I can choose one I want to purchase from Search other users: As a user I want to search other closets by catagory Add to favorites: As a user I want to add other users to favorite(or follow) so that I can go back to that users closet. User profile: Sell to Thrice: if you want to sell to thrice we will then refurbish the item and sell it ourselves either as newly designed item or only slightly upgraded. Connect with local seamstresses/seamsters/tailors: The ability to connect with Thrice as a seamstress/seamster/tailor and monetize your skills making new items with old clothes. This program will be called Thrickle so(sew) you can make a nickle with Thrice. The Thrickle NFT: we will create the Thrickle NFT platform to collect the different patterns that come from the collabs with the Thrickle seamstresses/seamsters/tailors. The Thrickle collection: This collection will be high end do to the high level of skill we have a ranking system and auctions.

see other users profile and their products Geo Location:

Client Routes / - Homepage /auth/signup - Signup form /auth/login - Login form /product - product list /product/create - create a item /produtcs/:id - item detail /profile - my details and products for sale


Home Page (public) Sign in Page (anon only) Log in Page (anon only) Product List Page (public only) Product Create (user only) Product Detail Page (public only) My Profile Page (user only) 404 Page (public)


Product Card component Input: product: any Output: favorite(productId: string, on: boolean) Search component Output: change(terms: string)



Auth Service

auth.login(user) auth.signup(user) auth.logout() auth.getUser() // synchronous Product Service product.list() product.create(data) product.detail(id) product.addFavorite(id) product.removeFavorite(id)



User model

username - String // required email - String // required & unique password - String // required

image - String

Product model

writer - ObjectID // required title - String // required description - String price - Number images - Array category - Number brand - Number condition - String

API Endpoints/Backend Routes

GET /auth POST /auth/signup

POST /auth/login POST /auth/logout POST /user/favorite DELETE /user/favorite/:productId

GET /product POST /create-product PATCH/edit-product/:id GET /product/:id


Notion Link to notion board

Git The url to my repository and to my deployed project

Client repository Link

Server repository Link

Deploy Link

Slides The url to your presentation slides

Slides Link