
Lake connectivity for aquatic and semi-aquatic species

Primary LanguageR


Analysis of aquatic and semi-aquatic connectivity among lakes in relation to protected areas in Michigan, USA; not: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livin'_on_the_Edge


GIS and powerpoint files used to make conceptual model


Input and output datasets used in analysis; also contains metadata


Output figures for manuscript


Scripts for data analysis and output figures

functions: contains custom function for lake and wetland statistics within dispersal buffer around focal lake

Hydro_Terrestrial_LakeConn_Indices.R: bulk of analysis for manuscript; calculates aquatic and semi-aquatic connectivity indices for each lake using principal component analysis (using data from other scripts). Generates most of figures in manuscript.

id_lakeconn_lakes.R: used to identify lakes hydrologically connected to Great Lakes

LakesWetlands_inDispersalBuffers.R: executes custom function for lake and wetland statistics within dispersal buffer around focal lake

Michigan_LAGOS_conn_metrics.R: extract freshwater connectivity metrics for Michigan lakes from LAGOS

Michigan_up_down_lakeconn_metrics.R: calculate additional freshwater connectivity metrics not in LAGOS

MichiganLakePatchStats.R: calculate "patch" statistics for Michigan lakes, treating lakes like terrestrial habitat patches

PercentProtected_IWS_LakeBuffers.R: calculate percent protected for lake watersheds and dispseral buffers (using tabulate area output from ArcGIS)