
Basic Web Scraper

Primary LanguagePython

Itsy Bitsy Spyder

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	|_   _| |           | ___ (_) |           /  ___|               | |          
	  | | | |_ ___ _   _| |_/ /_| |_ ___ _   _\ `--. _ __  _   _  __| | ___ _ __ 
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	 \___/ \__|___/\__, \____/|_|\__|___/\__, \____/| .__/ \__, |\__,_|\___|_|   
			__/ |                 __/ |     | |     __/ |                
		       |___/                 |___/      |_|    |___/             
									  @Cont3nted :D  

A Basic Python Program using python scrapy library to scrap websites.

I have included my notes in notes.md on what I have learn throughout making this.



Scrapy version 2.0.0

git clone https://github.com/cont3nted/ItsyBitsySpyder.git

pip install Scrapy

How to use it

After cloning and pip installing the scrapy library,

just run main.py and key in the URL you want to scrap

and the extracted data will be put into the extracted_data folder.