
Contacthub Browser SDK, aka Contacthub Analytics

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Node CI GitHub release


Browser SDK for the Contactlab Customer Hub API.

The easiest way to send pageviews, events and customer information from your website to the Customer Hub API.

How to use

Insert this snippet in your website (preferably in the <HEAD> section):

  window.ch = function() {(ch.q = ch.q || []).push(arguments);};
  ch('config', { /* see below */ });
  ch('customer', { /* see below */ });
  ch('event', { /* see below */ });
<script async src="https://unpkg.com/@contactlab/sdk-browser@2/dist/sdk.min.js"></script>

Compressed and uncompressed copies of Customer Hub SDK files are available. The uncompressed file is best used during development or debugging; the compressed file saves bandwidth and improves performance in production.

Use CDNs can offer a performance benefit by hosting Customer Hub SDK on servers spread across the globe. This also offers an advantage that if the visitor to your webpage has already downloaded a copy of Customer Hub SDK from the same CDN, it won't have to be re-downloaded.

To load a hosted library, copy and paste the HTML snippet for that library (shown below) in your web page.

Warning! The SDK is published in UMD format: if you use non-standard ways to load scripts in page (like RequireJS), please refer to the corresponding documentation.

ES6 version minified

<script async src="https://unpkg.com/@contactlab/sdk-browser@2/dist/sdk.min.js"></script>

ES6 version uncompressed

<script async src="https://unpkg.com/@contactlab/sdk-browser@2/dist/sdk.js"></script>

ES5 version minified

<script async src="https://unpkg.com/@contactlab/sdk-browser@2/dist/sdk.legacy.min.js"></script>

ES5 version uncompressed

<script async src="https://unpkg.com/@contactlab/sdk-browser@2/dist/sdk.legacy.js"></script>

To load a specific version, replace 2 with the version number.

We recommend that you load libraries from the CDN via HTTPS, even if your own website only uses HTTP.

The config API

Returns a Promise<void>

ch('config', {
  workspaceId: 'w_id', // required, found in the Customer Hub admin area
  nodeId: 'node_id', // required, found in the Customer Hub admin area
  token: 'UYTF546FUTF636JH', // required, found in the Customer Hub admin area
  target: 'ENTRY', // optional, can be "ENTRY" or "AGGREGATE", defaults to "ENTRY"
  context: 'CTX', // optional, defaults to 'WEB'
  contextInfo: {}, // optional, defaults to an empty object

The JSON schemas for the contextInfo property can be found here.

The customer API

Returns a Promise<void>

Include this call only if you have details about the current user (e.g. the user is logged in). All properties are optional.

The JSON schemas for all Customer properties can be found here.

ch('customer', {
  externalId: '456',
  base: {
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Smith',
    contacts: {
      email: 'john.smith@example.com'
  consents: {},
  extended: {},
  extra: '',
  tags: {
    auto: [],
    manual: []

If you have defined a "matching policy" in your workspace (using the Customer Hub web interface), and the data you're providing matches the data of an existing customer, the existing customer will be updated instead.

If you have defined required properties in your workspace (using the Customer Hub web interface), and they are not present in the javascript object, the call will fail.

Resending identical data

It's safe to call this function multiple times with the same data (e.g. in the HEAD section of all of your pages) as an encrypted hash of this data is stored in a cookie and won't be resent to the API if no value has changed.

Single Page Apps

You can also call this function the moment a user succesfully logs in, if the login action doesn't involve a page refresh.

Updating the current user

If a user adds some personal information to his/her profile, you don't need to send his full profile again, as the new data you send will be automatically merged with the data that is already available on the Customer Hub database.

// Add the mobile phone to the existing customer data
ch('customer', {
  base: {
    contacts: {
      mobilePhone: '+393331234567'

Removing properties

Because properties are always merged, if you want to actually remove a property that was previously set on a Customer, you have to explictly assign a null value to it, for example:

ch('customer', {
  base: {
    contacts: {
      email: 'something@example.com',
      mobilePhone: null

If you omit the property, or set it to undefined, Customer Hub will assume you want to keep the current value for that property.

Logging out

If a user logs out, you might want to stop linking events to his/her session. You can call ch('customer') without the second parameter and a new Customer Hub session id will be generated. All the events from this point will be associated to the new session id and will not be linked to the previous user.

The event API

Returns a Promise<void>

ch('event', {
  type: '<eventType>', // a valid event type, e.g. 'viewedPage'
  properties: {} // optional Properties object (eventType dependent)

Please note we will infer some standard properties automatically (url, title, referrer, path). If you want, you can override those in your custom properties object.

Since v1.0.0 of this library, utm_ tags from Google Analytics are also automatically detected from the query string, stored in the ContactHub cookie and attached automatically to all Customer Hub Events.

Advanced usage

Renaming the global Customer Hub object

This script will register a global variable in your window object called ch. This is similar for example to the ga global variable used by Google Analytics. If for any reason you already have a global variable called ch in your website, you can ask Customer Hub to use a different name. Simply add this line before the standard Customer Hub snippet:

window.ContactHubObject = 'chub';

You also have to replace all occurrences of ch in the snippet:

  chub('config', { ... });
  chub('customer', { ... });
  chub('event', { ... });
<script async src="https://unpkg.com/@contactlab/sdk-browser@2/sdk.min.js"></script>

Renaming the Customer Hub cookie

In the same way, you can set a custom name for the Customer Hub cookie using:

window.ContactHubCookie = '__chub';

Using a different API URL

For testing or debugging purposes, you might want to use a different API server:

window.ContactHubAPI = 'https://test-api/hub/v2';

Customer Hub ID

Every Customer is assigned an id in Customer Hub. In general, you don't have to think about it as the library will take care of it and avoid generating multiple IDs for the same Customer.

If you store Customer Hub ids on your database and you want to make sure that events sent via the library are associated to the same id, you can specify the ID when you use the ch('customer', {...}) method:

ch('customer', {
  // ... other customer properties

The clabId query parameter

You can also send a Customer Hub id using the clabId parameter in the query string (?clabId=A_VALID_CONTACTHUB_ID). This is transformed by the library in the following call:

ch('customer', {id: clabId});

An example use case is if you send a newsletter to your customers and you want to make sure that if they reach your website from a link contained in the email, they are immediately recognised even if they are not logged in.

Please note that if a different user is logged in, the Customer Hub id for the currently logged in user is stored in the Customer Hub cookie. The id contained in the Customer Hub cookie always takes precedence over an id specified using the clabId query string parameter.

If needed you can set a custom name for the clabId query parameter through global configuration:

window.ContactHubClabId = 'custom_id'; // expected query string should be `?custom_id=A_VALID_CONTACTHUB_ID`

Aggregate nodes (alpha)

⚠️ Warning: this feature is in alpha phase - use it at your own risk

The SDK can handle also aggregate nodes.

In order to send data to this kind of nodes (instead of standard "entry" ones), you have to set these optional configuration properties:

  • target to AGGREGATE;
  • aggregateNodeId to the aggregate node's id (found in the Customer Hub admin area);
  • aggregateToken to the aggregate node's token (found in the Customer Hub admin area).

Please be aware that customer's creation and updating are bypassed when target is AGGREGATE, but reconciliation and id conflict resolution keep executing.

Just as clabId also the target property can be set using the target parameter in the query string (?target=AGGREGATE).

Contributing to this library

How to build locally

npm run build will generate:

  • dist/sdk.js (ES6 version);
  • dist/sdk.min.js (ES6 version minified);
  • dist/sdk.legacy.js (ES5 version);
  • dist/sdk.legacy.min.js (ES5 version minified)

How to run tests

npm test will run all unit tests (with Jest) and all integration tests once using Chrome in headless mode (with Karma).

BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME=<user> BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY=<key> npm run test:bs will run integration tests on real browsers using BrowserStack. The list of browsers is statically defined in package.json and karma.conf.ts

How to open the example page in your browser

npm run example will start a local HTTP server and open the example page in your local browser. Replace the placeholders in the query string with your authorization token and ids. Remember also to add to the allowed URLs for your Source in the Contactlab Customer Hub web interface (under Settings > Sources > {source name} > Settings).