The Metropolis Node.js SDK provides game developer tools to facilitate digital asset generation & user ownership association
Our SDK includes:
- User authentication
- Digital asset storage, retrieval, & modification
- Game ownership validation
- Game session creation
- Game service to primary marketplace integration
- Digital asset creation and minting
- User inventory management
To onboarding to our system, please email us at:
Install via npm:
~$ npm install metropolis-node --save
var access = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", secret = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
var contact = require('metropolis-node'), sdk = new contact(access, secret);
If you encounter a bug/error with the Metropolis SDK for Node.js, we'd love to hear about it. Search our Existing Issues & if you're unable to find it there, please open a new issue. Make sure to include:
- SDK version
- Node.js version
- OS & OS version
- Let us know if you're running this inside Docker Container
- Stack Trace or Debug error message
GitHub Issues are intended for Bug Reports & Feature Requests. For help utilizing our Node.js SDK, please visit our Discord & let us know how we can help.
Website: CØNTACT Systems
Twitter: Twitter
Facebook: Facebook
Blog: Medium
Chat: Discord
This SDK is distributed under the SDK License, see for more information.