
An FTP server container image based on a proftpd module

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

FTP Server Container: proftpd


This repository defines the Layer 3 in the three-layer module container architecture.

Other layer repositories: Layer 1 | Layer 2 | Layer 3


An example FTP server container running as a non-root user based on Fedora 25. This container is being developed - test it, play with it, but please don't use it in production.

For convenience in the early development stage, the container has a hardcoded user:

username: adam
password: 1234
UID: 1001
GID: 1001

Default ports are as follows:

command port:        10021 (changed from the default 21 to allow running as a non-root user)
passive mode ports:  10100 - 10110

Running in Docker

$ docker run -p 21:10021 -p 10100-10110:10100-10110 -v <DIR>:/ftp asamalik/proftpd-container

Substitute <DIR> with a mount point containing a sub-directory for each user. For example:

$ mkdir -p ftp/adam
$ chown 1001:1001 ftp/adam
$ docker run -p 21:10021 -p 10100-10110:10100-10110 -v $(pwd)/ftp:/ftp asamalik/proftpd-container

Running in OpenShift

To run this container in OpenShift, you need to change the RunAsUser option in the restricted Security Context Constraint (SCC) from MustRunAsRange to RunAsAny. This is because proftpd is changing its UID in runtime - this needs to be fixed in the future. Do it by running:

$ oc login -u system:admin
$ oc project default
$ oc edit scc restricted

Find RunAsUser and change its value from MustRunAsRange to RunAsAny.

Then you will be able to run the container using the openshift-template.yml template in this repo:

oc login -u developer
oc create -f openshift-template.yml

The template is not using any persistent storage or configuration, it uses the hardcoded adam user.