React components and extensions for building Contentful entry editor
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Compatibility with React 19 (and React 18)
#1723 opened by catchergeese - 2
DefaultFieldEditor does not have support for `resourceLinkEditor` and `resourceLinkEditor`
#1783 opened by vipulchadda - 2
Could not resolve dependency: peer @babel/core@"^7.11.0" from @babel/eslint-parser@7.23.3
#1644 opened by Wounded-Knee - 2
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Snyk XSS plate-media@23.7.0
#1700 opened by Muskos - 5
This package is not working in Next.js project
#1437 opened by sgarchavada - 1
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RichTextEditor value and onChange props
#1236 opened by vitalbone - 3
Update lerna to latest
#1324 opened by luizfonseca - 1
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Some Field Editors use older version of `constate` which breaks with React 18
#1631 opened by ntungare - 1
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[Default field editor] Inline drag and drop for asset reference does not work
#1642 opened by vipulchadda - 4
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`@contentful/field-editor-rich-text` adds newlines after ordered / unordered lists
#1561 opened by erictraaaan - 1
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`@contentful/field-editor-rich-text` depends on `constate` without specifying it in `package.json`
#1558 opened by smoogly - 2
Customize Rich text actions fields/UI elements
#1015 opened by lucashfreitas - 1
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Editor markdown does not work correctly
#1016 opened by dmbdesignpdx - 10
Markdown editor losing focus randomly while typing
#1383 opened by martons - 5
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Rich Text Commands ignores linkContentType restriction
#1346 opened by dwin0 - 5
input glinch with custom field of official demo
#952 opened by Stupidism - 1
Entry is missing or inaccessible
#1459 opened by j-quelly - 2
Json field error
#1458 opened by j-quelly - 2
Rich-Text-App Start "isValidImage" error
#1393 opened by mlilly-ecri - 3
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Issue with react-sortable-hoc and React 18
#1345 opened by maroun9t - 1
Option to completely disable Richtext Commands dialogue box from 'field-editor-rich-text'
#1341 opened by jackbudow - 1
Inline language tagging in rich text
#1270 opened by mrGrazy - 1
Short Text Radio Field - No Margin for RTL Languages
#1217 opened by amacleanPC - 1
p-queue is used in default-field-editor but not installed as a dependency
#1218 opened by JacobSoderblom - 2
Rich text editor not rendering
#1191 opened by hsheikhali1P - 6
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Empty node bug causing exceptions
#751 opened by phawxby - 1
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Rich Text editor does not work correctly
#1017 opened by dmbdesignpdx - 1
entityHelpers.getFieldValue returns wrong type
#1140 opened by BraunreutherA - 1
You called getEntry on the Space API. Since version 4.0.0 the Space API and its methods are deprecated.
#1171 opened by brianlmacdonald - 2
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RichText editor is missing the table option
#1144 opened by drewfitz10 - 1