
Retrieve information about Content Types in a Stack

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



This is a plugin for Contentstack's CLI. It allows you to quickly retrieve information about Content Types in a Stack.

Why use this plugin

  1. The csdx content-type:audit command lists recent changes to a content type and by whom. This is useful when needing to find Content Type versions to compare with csdx content-type:compare. Audit logs are stored for 90 days within Contentstack.

  2. The csdx content-type:compare-remote command allows you to compare the same Content Type between two Stacks. This is useful when you have cloned or duplicated a Stack, and want to check what has changed in a child Stack.

  3. The csdx content-type:compare command allows you to compare multiple versions of a Content Type within a single Stack. This is useful when you are working in a development team, and want to compare changes made by colleagues.

  4. The csdx content-type:list command is useful when you want to see all the Content Types within a Stack. The Content Type's Display Name, UID, Last Modified Date, and Version number is shown. The list can be ordered by title or modified date. When developing against Contentstack, Content Type UIDs are needed when requesting data.

  5. The csdx content-type:details command provides useful information, such as:

    • Field UID and Data Types
    • Referenced Content Types
    • Options such as required, multiple, and unique
    • The full path to a field, useful when using the include reference endpoint or filtering operations, such as the equality endpoint.
  6. The csdx content-type:diagram command creates a visual representation of a Stack's content model.

    • The ouput format can be either svg or dot.
    • The diagram's orientation can be changed, using the -d landscape|portrait flag.
    • GraphViz is the layout engine. You can export the generated DOT Language source, using the -t dot flag.
    • Diagram Output

How to install this plugin

$ csdx plugins:install contentstack-cli-content-type

How to use this plugin

This plugin requires you to be authenticated using csdx auth:login.

Several commands, such as csdx content-type:compare support token aliases as input. These token aliases should be created using csdx auth:tokens:add.

The commands only use the Stack API Key. The management token is ignored. They are provided as a convenience, so the Stack API Keys do not have to be re-typed.


The csdx content-type:details command requires a wide terminal window. If the path column is not needed, you can hide it:

$ csdx content-type:details -a "management token" -c "content type" --no-path


csdx content-type:audit

Display recent changes to a Content Type

  $ csdx content-type:audit -c <value> [-s <value> | -a <value> | -a <value>] [-k <value> |  | ]

  -a, --alias=<value>          Alias of the management token
  -a, --token-alias=<value>    Management token alias
  -c, --content-type=<value>   (required) Content Type UID
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  Stack API Key
  -s, --stack=<value>          Stack UID

  Display recent changes to a Content Type

  $ csdx content-type:audit --stack-api-key "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" --content-type "home_page"

  $ csdx content-type:audit --alias "management token" --content-type "home_page"

See code: src/commands/content-type/audit.ts

csdx content-type:compare

Compare two Content Type versions

  $ csdx content-type:compare -c <value> [-s <value> | -a <value>] [-k <value> | ] [-a <value>] [-l <value> -r <value>]

  -a, --alias=<value>          Alias of the management token
  -a, --token-alias=<value>    Management token alias
  -c, --content-type=<value>   (required) Content Type UID
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  Stack API Key
  -l, --left=<value>           Content Type version, i.e. prev version
  -r, --right=<value>          Content Type version, i.e. later version
  -s, --stack=<value>          Stack UID

  Compare two Content Type versions

  $ csdx content-type:compare --stack-api-key "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" --content-type "home_page"

  $ csdx content-type:compare --stack-api-key "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" --content-type "home_page" --left # --right #

  $ csdx content-type:compare --alias "management token" --content-type "home_page" --left # --right #

See code: src/commands/content-type/compare.ts

csdx content-type:compare-remote

compare two Content Types on different Stacks

  $ csdx content-type:compare-remote (-o <value> -r <value>) -c <value>

  -c, --content-type=<value>  (required) Content Type UID
  -o, --origin-stack=<value>  (required) Origin Stack API Key
  -r, --remote-stack=<value>  (required) Remote Stack API Key

  compare two Content Types on different Stacks

  $ csdx content-type:compare-remote --origin-stack "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" --remote-stack "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" -content-type "home_page"

See code: src/commands/content-type/compare-remote.ts

csdx content-type:details

Display Content Type details

  $ csdx content-type:details -c <value> [-s <value> | -a <value>] [-k <value> | ] [-a <value>] [-p]

  -a, --alias=<value>          Alias of the management token
  -a, --token-alias=<value>    Management token alias
  -c, --content-type=<value>   (required) Content Type UID
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  Stack API Key
  -p, --[no-]path              show path column
  -s, --stack=<value>          Stack UID

  Display Content Type details

  $ csdx content-type:details --stack-api-key "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" --content-type "home_page"

  $ csdx content-type:details --alias "management token" --content-type "home_page"

  $ csdx content-type:details --alias "management token" --content-type "home_page" --no-path

See code: src/commands/content-type/details.ts

csdx content-type:diagram

Create a visual diagram of a Stack's Content Types

  $ csdx content-type:diagram -o <value> -d portrait|landscape -t svg|dot [-s <value> | -a <value> | -a <value>] [-k
    <value> |  | ]

  -a, --alias=<value>          Alias of the management token
  -a, --token-alias=<value>    Management token alias
  -d, --direction=<option>     (required) [default: portrait] graph orientation
                               <options: portrait|landscape>
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  Stack API Key
  -o, --output=<value>         (required) full path to output
  -s, --stack=<value>          Stack UID
  -t, --type=<option>          (required) [default: svg] graph output file type
                               <options: svg|dot>

  Create a visual diagram of a Stack's Content Types

  $ csdx content-type:diagram --stack-api-key "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" --output "content-model.svg"

  $ csdx content-type:diagram --alias "management token" --output "content-model.svg"

  $ csdx content-type:diagram --alias "management token" --output "content-model.svg" --direction "landscape"

  $ csdx content-type:diagram --alias "management token" --output "content-model.dot" --type "dot"

See code: src/commands/content-type/diagram.ts

csdx content-type:list

List all Content Types in a Stack

  $ csdx content-type:list [-s <value> | -a <value> | -a <value>] [-k <value> |  | ] [-o title|modified]

  -a, --alias=<value>          Alias of the management token
  -a, --token-alias=<value>    Management token alias
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  Stack API Key
  -o, --order=<option>         [default: title] order by column
                               <options: title|modified>
  -s, --stack=<value>          Stack UID

  List all Content Types in a Stack

  $ csdx content-type:list --stack-api-key "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

  $ csdx content-type:list --alias "management token"

  $ csdx content-type:list --alias "management token" --order modified

See code: src/commands/content-type/list.ts