Endo Shell

Companion shell to Contour Terminal.


Let's make it clear, we have great shells like bash and zsh or even fish already.

This shell is not meant to compete with bash. It aims to be primarily used as an interactive shell, similar to fish shell, however, utilizing the more modern terminal features you might think of, while retaining most of the well known good syntax features of Bash.

Endo shell aims to be as close as reasonably possible compatible with bash, but explicitly does not attempt to be a bash clone.


Design modern interactive shell with first-class UX in mind.

  • ✅ Core POSIX shell features to satisfy power users (pipes, job management, environment variables, ...)
  • ✅ First class Unicode support with respect to grapheme cluster display (if terminal supports it)
  • ✅ IDE like command prompt, including mouse support using new (passive mouse tracking) VT extension
  • ✅ LSP-like features like tooltips on mouse-hoever and auto-complete like in an IDE
  • ✅ DAP: Debugging Mode via Debugging Adapter Protocol
  • ✅ Make URIs and paths clickable (OSC-8) in the prompt
  • ✅ Utilize VT420 host writable status line to indicate shell status
  • ✅ Fast working directory traversal as inspired by fish shell
  • ✅ Support input binding customizations

status: core & language (milestone 1)

There is no timeline, as Contour Terminal still remains the top priority. Endo comes second.

  • basic process execution
  • shell pipes with processes
  • shell pipes with builtin commands
  • file descriptor redirects
  • job management
  • builtin read function (basic version)
  • export variable to inheritable environment
  • set variable to local(/global) scope
  • variable substitution
  • bash-like if-statement
  • bash-like while-statement
  • bash-like functions
  • bash-like brace expansions
  • bash-like tilde (~) expansions
  • bash-like parameter expansions
  • bash-like arithmetic expansions
  • bash-like pathname expansions
  • bash-like command substitution: $() and its backtick version
  • bash-like process substitution: <(cmd) and >(cmd)
  • operator && and ||
  • export and unset variables

status: terminal UX (milestone 2)

  • rich text editor for the prompt
  • rich text editor: mouse integration, for cursor positioning and tooltips (via VT extension)
  • rich text editor: text selection (via VT extension)
  • rich text editor: LSP like completion and suggestions
  • customizable prompt
  • utilize host programmable statusline

Open Questions

  • Does it make sense to support Windows?