
Static HTML pages that are displayed when Cloudflare detects an outage or there is a planned maintenance.

Primary LanguageHTML

Contra Status Pages

Static HTML pages that are displayed when Cloudflare detects an outage or there is a planned maintenance.

Cloudflare Setup

Configuring Error Pages

These pages are configured under contra.com > Custom Pages at https://cloudflare.com/.

Configuring Maintenance Page

The maintenance template is served using Cloudflare Worker.

If you are making changes to the script, then update code in git first and then upload it to Cloudflare.

Enabling Maintenance Mode

To enable maintenance mode:

  1. go to https://dash.cloudflare.com/
  2. go to contra.com
  3. go to Workers
  4. edit "maintenance" worker
  5. replace route "contra.com/maintenance" with "contra.com/*"

To disable maintenance mode:

  1. go to https://dash.cloudflare.com/
  2. go to contra.com
  3. go to Workers
  4. edit "maintenance" worker
  5. replace route "contra.com/*" with "contra.com/maintenance"

Note: route changes take anywhere from 5 to 30 seconds to propagate.

This Loom guides through the steps of enabling / disabling Maintenance mode:



Use npm run build to build ejs templates. The resulting files are stored in ./docs.

Use npm run start to launch HTTP server and serve files in ./docs.

npm run build
npm run start


  • You must commit the generated (./docs) files to the repository.
  • The use of ./docs directory name is forced by GitHub Pages configuration.


These pages are hosted using GitHub Pages: