RPi Covid-19 Mask Detector using Tensorflow v1.13 Object detection

This is the project I did for training a custom image classifier to detect the presence of a COVID mask as a cool Machine Learning problem to solve. My goal was to run it on a small device that could operate at a very low cost as an egress point to make sure for examples that doctors and nurses were compliant to protect themselves entering a room that could contain a hazard and masks were required.

I started running it locally on an older graphics card but getting the libraries set right was a chore

Full Google Colab for Training Model with Tensorflow v1.13 and convert to tflite and EdgeTPU https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1uEkP5j7KM9eSkCUtUyauy7-Dyd5XAY6e?usp=sharing

Google Drive with the Images folder and Config for the Google Colab

Original video with walkthrough of training on Windows 10:

Github repo for Training

My repo for downloading and resizing images

Image Labeling software

How to run Tensorflow Lite on Raspberry Pi

Using the Google Coral TPU with Tensorflow Lite