
ReSharper.Checker MSIL weaver that emit null checks from [NotNull] annotations

Primary LanguageC#

ReSharper.Checker MSIL weaver

Fody/Mono.Cecil-based MSIL weaver to materialize ReSharper annotations like [NotNull] into runtime arguments/return values checks to verify nullness contracts in you code dynamically in addition to ReSharper static analysis.


Project is currently under development.

Future releases will be available at nuget.org feed.


  • Emits checks for [NotNull] parameters at methods/constructors/accessors enter
  • Checks for [NotNull] return values and out-parameters values at method exits
  • Emits checks for [NotNull] fields on reads and writes
  • Supports checking for null pointers, ref-parameters and values of generic types
  • Resolves [NotNull] annotations from overriden/implemented methods in hierarchy
  • Applies [NotNull] annotations from property declarations to accessor bodies
  • Produces throw new ArgumentNullException("param") in cases of violations
  • Very lightweight generated code (O(1) only, no try-finally blocks, etc)
  • Installation and MSBuild integration just by referencing NuGet package
  • No binary dependencies required to use this rewriter

Future work

  • Support for [NotNull] on readonly fields (initialization-time)
  • Support for usage-side checks emit
  • Support for [NotNull] in delegate declarations
  • Support for iterator/async methods in C#?
  • Provide control for checks emit scope (public surface only/whole assembly)
  • Provide control for checks code (to replace throw with logging, for example)


Feel free to post any issues or your ideas here, or contact me directly: alexander.shvedov[at]jetbrains.com