
Use the WolframAlpha API to evaluate MathQuill expressions

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Use the Wolfram|Alpha API to evaluate expressions typed into a MathQuill MathField.


After building (see "Building"), include either the build/mathquill-evaluate.js file or the build/mathquill-evaluate.min.js file in your project.

To evaluate the contents of a MathField, simply use

evaluate(my_mathfield, options);

which will return a numerical answer, if available.


To build, navigate to the project root and first run npm install, then npm run build.

Running the example

The example is designed to run on a personal computer, rather than a server. To run the example, first change the file at example/api-key.js, replacing XXXXX with an API key obtained from http://products.wolframalpha.com/api/.

Making sure you've already done an npm install, run npm test -s to build mathquill-evaluate and start the server. Navigate to the example/index.html file in your browser.


If you want to keep your API key safe, you need to omit the appid parameter from the options passed to evaluate. Then, so that you can still access the API, you can modify request.php to automatically add the API key like so:

header("Content-Type: application/xml");
$query = $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"];
$url2 = "http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query?".$query."&appid=YOUR_API_KEY_HERE";
echo file_get_contents($url2);